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Interview101: The aim entertainment

Tumihub interview session  The Aims Entertainment is a talent-driven organization that creates platforms for talented individuals on campuses to portray their talents. The first event organized by the brand at the University of Osun mostly known as Uniosun was graced by Woli Agba and other celebrities as the judge for the talent show. One would have thought...

Where is the truth?

Allegory of the cave Plato claimed that knowledge gained through the senses is no more than opinion and that, in order to have real knowledge, we must gain it through philosophical reasoning. Plato begins by imagining a cave where people have been imprisoned from childhood. These prisoners are chained so that their legs and necks are fixed, forcing them to gaze...

What is a business without sales called?

What is a business without sales called?  🤔 If there is no name, please can you help me create one? What is the essence of taking so much time to create 'value' without consumption? It is just cooking so much for a wedding with plenty of meat without anyone to eat. How important is "sales" to a business?  I will also like to say that as important as selling...