Don't be rigid!

*Don’t be rigid!*
*Concluding part of the series on provision*

Setting a vision should not be in a rigid form that you cannot alter any part of it. If new things, advice, or improvement appears to you, don’t just ignore it without checking through it if it is really needed. Make sure you think about it and meditate on it, then if need be that you should ignore it, don’t hesitate to do that likewise if it is the opposite. Think if it is
T- True
H- Helpful
I- Inspiring
N- Necessary
K- Kind
Even this write up was supposed to stop just at the first episode but the second day I was checking it again, the inspiration just keep me down that I should continue.
TUMI was supposed to be alone before. in fact; I don’t even have a domain name in mind. I just wanted to be committed to my new year revolution to always send a write up weekly but just at the first time I send my write up, somebody said she wanted to join, so I told my close friend and we concluded that day that we make it a community and it grew up to what it is today and I know she’s still growing.
Your journey through life will encounter a lot of needful improvement to your vision and also the poisonous advice for improvement. Just make sure you are flexible or rather put that; let your vision be flexible enough to adapt important change and also be disciplined enough to ignore the poisonous ones!
Feel free to rebroadcast.
*Slogan: To me, you are more than what you think!*
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