The why!

Why is anyone not buying into my idea?
Why are they not seeing the future in my idea?
Why aren’t they passionate about it like I do? 
Why are they always doing it reluctantly?
Why must I force them before they can try doing it?
But wait o...
Why am I so anxious to get it accomplished? 
Why do I believe so much in it?
Why am I the only one who can spend my last penny on my idea?
*Please I need the why?*
Yes! You have just said the reason yourself. IT IS YOUR IDEA and that is it. In case you don’t know, let me tell you that “people are more concerned about themselves than you think they are about what you are thinking or creating”; as long as it doesn’t benefit them NOW, they look away from it. 
You can make them buy into your idea and make them grounded in it “IF YOU MAKE IT OUR IDEA” Not my idea anymore. Let them be able to say “I am part of this idea!”
Let me tell you with my experience:
I started writing a book last year, and while looking for means to make it big and “one of its kind”, I involved an Artist (Avbacu to be precise) to design the cover page for the book. But I know I don’t have much money to pay him, so I came up with this thought of making it “our idea”. 
All I did was to approach him with multiple opportunities he can derive from it! And many more things (contact us if you care know)! 
As at now, he is so passionate about it. For prove, just ask me and I will forward it to you!
In essence, don’t just be the controller of the idea; Always make effort to make it “our idea” if you really want to answer “THE WHY’s!” 
 Feel free to rebroadcast.
*Slogan: To me, you are more than what you think!*
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