Why is this one thinking like this?

Why is this one thinking like this?

This question keeps coming up in my mind anytime I encounter anyone who thinks differently. Just like many, I expected every other person to think like I do but I wonder why the opposite is what I get. Even the people I love still fall short of this.  Why is this happening? Or is this happening to only me?

Then I come up with this!

A new born baby is of course coming to this world with an empty memory. As soon as he land on earth, he begin to learn-Lessons from family, friends, environment, internet world, events, happenings and so on. All these sums up to develop his belief system and that’s it!

So, if every child including me passes through this stage of our lives, then it means we should have different way we look at things because we never go through the same way of life!

That lady that always affirms that all men are wicked has very important reasons for saying that don’t blame her.

That guy that is always saying that life is wicked has very important reasons best known to him to say so. Don’t blame him.

Those Nigerians that keep saying that “Nigeria cannot get better” has reasons best known to them. Don’t blame them!

That yahoo guy or flirt that believes he cannot make it except through that means has an important reason best known to him. Don’t blame him!

That lady that believes she can only marry that guy that can always give an assurance of a nice Porsche has reasons best known to her. Don’t blame her

That student that believes he cannot score above average has reasons best known to him. Don’t blame him!

If only you can look through from their point of view and see what they are seeing the way they are seeing it: if only you can understand them: if only you are close to them and you go through all they have gone through: if only you are the one living their life right now, will you not also be doing the same thing or probably worse or less?

What then should we do if shouldn’t blame?

There is nothing as satisfying as relating with someone who always understand me even in my wrongs and worst. Many people seek acceptance rather than wealth. Even the cause of the blind race to get wealth all reflects their yarning for acceptance.

More to come (The next article tells us more of this. Don’t miss out)

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