The voice of blood: Episode 20

The voice of blood

Episode 20

In no time, they moved to the next level. The bed became the ring and the fight began.

One thing was common with the two 'six months abstaining' partners. After the rounds of fights in the ring, there was this relief and the best way to explain it is like the moment you run into the toilet just about one second remaining for the faeces to drop in your pants, you pull it off and it splashed around the corners of the WC and this deep sigh comes out loud.

Paul left Carolina in no time without saying much. They both behaved as tho nothing happened. Carolina soon remembered the night of her birthday right under the rain. She became scared especially when she remembered that moment Ademi mixed the bloods together and they made promises. She started crying again after recollecting in details that she was crying that night and it was raining heavily then she said that

"I am taking this bold step today and i make  promise that i will never cheat on you neither will i leave you for the rest of my life. That if i do, i should experience a downfall that I can never imagine including the downfall of my sexual organs."

She got more scared and wanted to stop thinking. She took her earpiece and listened to music and then switched to movie.

Ademi had the same experience and was scared too. It was a coincidence but it was a negative one for the love birds.

It was as if the oath had started working on Ademi because as at the time he was thinking about the oath, he was right beside Bimbola. Bimbola couldn't go home that night because it was too late and so they slept together. She was already fast asleep while Ademi sat upright right beside her on the bed thinking. He was looking at Bimbola as if they were enemies. Even seeing her naked beside him didn't even move him. Not even her change of position and her scratching of the flesh below her breast moved Ademi.

She looked disgusting in his eyes to the extent that he left the bed to sleep on the chair. He took his phone to check it out and saw a lot of missed calls and messages. He looked through, answered few and got to a message from his bank account. He has been debited the exact amount Carolina has contributed. He wasn't shocked but he wasn't happy about what has been happening to him.

He didn't plan to question the account officer about the money because he knew what happened already. Ademi was just thinking on how to use his little share to get him to Belgium. He was on this thought until he slept off.

Few months after, Ademi and Bimbola became so close. It was either Ademi is indoor laying on two different chairs- half of his body resting on the first chair and the other half including the leg hanging on the other chair. While he is in this position, it's either he is watching television or on his phone or probably looking upward towards the ceiling. If not that, then he will be with Bimbola either at home, on an outing or for a specific visit. They played like kids and loved each other's company but they were just friends and took the other night to be a mistake that will not happen again.

Bimbola wanted to connect Ademi and Carolina together again. She was going to add her savings to that of Ademi to make him go meet his lover bird since all her efforts to explain to Mr Emeka was very abortive. Even her reaching Carolina to explain to her wasn't possible.

She was even at the for front to do all the processings for the visa registration for Ademi. It was like a devil coming back to be a friend after destroying everything. At least, she was trying to make it up to him.

Carolina was ready to be herself. She wanted to start a new life and was ready to forget the past but there was a problem. She was having a very sabotaging defect in terms of relationship with guys. In fact, she fought with Paul not because of the other night but on a slight issue that doesn't worth it. She had become a 'cold shoulder' and will always flare up on any issue.

At home, she had changed too. She stayed more in her room and was more silent. Her attitude to her parents explained better what she was like now. She flared up whenever any of her parents pressurized her about bringing a spouse.

Her parents noticed her and one night sat her down to talk to her. She told them about her relationship with Ademi and all that happened. They didn't scold her, they embraced her in love. They suggested that she visits a rehab. She never wanted to because she thought her issue wasn't serious to that extent.

Then one day, it became clear that she really needs to visit a rehab. She wasn't friendly anymore and she wasn't finding meaning to her life either. She thinks of suicide sometimes and almost took a step but someone keeps being a motivation to her unknowingly.

So she took permission from school and from work and left for rehab thinking it was going to be in about few days but the few days started taking so long.

It was so long that Ademi wouldn't see her for about one week he stood around her school. Yes! Ademi got his flight accomplished with all efforts from Bimbola. It was looking so difficult for Ademi but Bimbola through all her long legs through the guys she had satisfied got Ademi a chance but it was a two weeks chance- like a vacation.

His plan was to get to Belgium and settle things with Carolina. He was going to surprise her at school since she told him everything about the school including the location.  Then after he meets Carolina , he'd explain things to her  and give proofs by calling Bimbola. Then after getting to settle things with her,  he'd process his permanent stay with Carolina's share she took back.

The shorts he wore was about one quarter of his trousers. The blue Ankara designed with a number of white circles made on regular intervals all through the short was complemented with a white Polo shirt. His red cap was photocopying his nice shoe. To crown it up, he used a blue sun glasses. He became a young-gentle-tall guy on black skin. The hair all over his legs was Carolina's favorite anytime especially when they are together and Ademi's legs are on her laps. She plays with the hair and this makes Ademi sleep after the so much pleasure he'd have gotten from it.

It was Ademi's first day at the school and his first strategy was to impress Carolina with his appearance but after getting to the school , he wasn't impressing Caro but every other lady around.

A number of them almost hit the next person or object ahead of them because of their inability to take their eyes off Ademi. But for him, he was blind to anything other than Carolina.

He watched vehicles passed by and kept looking around. He sometimes ran after some ladies whose behind looked like that of Carolina. It got to a stage, he started asking people about her and those that have seen her before confirmed it that she's a student but they don't know her whereabout.

After about few hours of searching for her, Ademi was tired and in fact, students were already receiving lectures. Being Curious to surprise Carolina got him tired and where next he landed was right in front of the school premises. There's a 'love garden' situated at the side of the school immediately after the fence on the right hand side.

Trees were few meters apart from the roof. Its earth was decorated with dried leaves and some tiny ants walking around in groups. Most times, the decorator never stopped working as it laid more leaves almost every second and sometimes got the chairs and tables decorated too especially when the wind blows heavily to and fro.

Ademi sat in a position that'd make him see everyone entering the school. He was enjoying the relaxed environment he was in but he did not let his eyes out of the gate and the people passing. After a while, he dozed off only for him to wake up few hours later. Then he quickly checked around him to see if he hadn't been robbed because he knows if he dare tries this in the country he came from, he could even lose his trousers but this time, he didn't misplace anything. He even saw a purse instead. He checked the purse and it was filled with money and some other important items including the IDcard of the owner.

So he had to increase the number of people he was searching for from one to two. The day went and the next day came. Ademi resumed work and was searching for the two ladies and finally, he met one and that was Catherine the owner of the purse.

Catherine was happy and thanked him for having such integrity. They got connected and soon, she was the one helping him look for Carolina. It was about one week after that Ademi got to know from Paul that Carolina wasn't around. Her parents had told Paul that she went for holiday but didn't tell him where exactly.

'What will i do? I have barely one week left before I leave the country.' Ademi was so bothered and Catherine soon got to know he wasn't settled. She was beginning to have feelings for him because of how Intelligent he'd shown to be. There was a day he helped her with her assignment and some of his advice to her were so helpful. In fact, she was trying to get closer. So it was an opportunity for her. She pestered him until he told her that very soon, he would be deported.

She sourced for means of what could extend his stay and one of the best option she was told was for him to marry a citizen.

Either he marry Catherine or get deported, which one?

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