It was on the day I wrote my final papers that I met Obinna. I was rushing to leave the exam hall in order to avoid the water and zobo baptism that will initiate my coursemates and I into the next stage as graduates and although I was excited to finally conclude my studies, I was in no mood to return to my hostel dirty, soaked through and leaking liquid from every pore in my skin. A few drinks with my friends in a quiet bar was my idea of celebrating and I would have gotten away with my plan but for a guy who splashed zobo, not even water, on my face, the minute I stepped out of the hall.

To say I was shocked would be an understatement. By the way I froze there, mouth gaping and bleeding zobo, I was sure that I looked like fish flung out of a red sea. I had chosen to take the hall's side door to avoid an attack but my effort had been rendered useless. I was so carried away with my escape that I did not notice him creep up behind me.

When I had wiped enough zobo from face to enable me see clearly, I beheld a total stranger laughing at me. He was quite tall, light skinned with eyes the colour of coffee. I wanted to be angry at him, to shout insults, anything to express the way I felt towards him for thwarting my perfect plan after I had bragged to my friends that I would return to the hostel dry and unstained but I couldnt.. It was his eyes. The way they twinkled with mischief and excitment held me spellbound. He glanced behind him and I looked as well and saw more students coming towards us, carrying missles. He smiled when he saw my eyes widen in alarm told me to run. I ran, hoping no one would chase me for long and they didnt.

What a guy I thought to myself as I slowed down to walk as calmly as I could past the security guards parading the front gate of my school. If he had commanded me to fly even though I had no idea how to acomplish that, by God, I would try. I found myself thinking about him for the rest of the day. That was until my best friend Paul, called and asked me to join the gang at the Ochez bar, two streets away from my hostel.

On arriving at the bar, I hailed paul appeared to be waiting for me at the entrance and we entered the bar together. He steered me towards the exclusive area where we had contributed money to rent for the two hours that we would celebrate there. Everyone of my friends were there and a few more people. One of which I discovered to be my assailant. While Paul took the seat next to his girlfriend, I had to sit next to Mr.Coffee eyes because there were no other seats available.

After I had placed an order for a bottle of Smirnoff Ice and had recieved my drink, uncapped with a straw in it, when Mr.Coffee turned those eyes of his on me and I began to choke on my drink. He quickly pulled me towards him and hit my back lightly till I was breathing properly.
''Are you alright?'', he asked. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak coherently. He still had his left hand on my shoulder and had apprently forgotten it was there. ''You are the girl I poured zobo on earlier today abi?'' I felt my blood beginining to boil. Indignation got the better of me.
''Poured? Seriously? It felt like you slapped me with zobo!''. He started laughing at me all over again.
''Sorry. It is a normal thing nau. Did you think that you would escape?'' What could I have said to a guy that was clearly enjoying himsf at my expense?
''But you dont know me! why did you do it?''
''Look, no hard feelings okay? I just wanted to have fun. Sorry.'' Although he apologised, I knew he wasn't sorry. Not with the way his eyes twinkled and that cheshire grin that displayed a perfect dentition.

''My name is Obinna. What is your name?'' I took a deep breath and every indignation I felt towards him ease off as I exhaled.
'Lisa,'' I said simply, wondering what next he would ask.
''Una don seprate from the group abi?'' Paul said loudly, drawing attention to Obinna and I. Paul... I love my bestfriend to the moon and back but he could be annoying sometimes. Obinna just smiled and continued what he was saying about how the world like to tell people how they should live their lives. We were so absorbed with our talk that we forgot our friends and reached a dimension only we could relate.

 I liked Obinna. The way his lips curve in a permanent half-smile, the way his slender hands flew everywhere as if he was painting a picture of what he was saying on air. I liked the fact that he didnt try to flatter or impress me. I also liked the fact that he thought a lady should dream as high as any man. I liked him and it was as simple as that.

We exchanged numbers that evening and agreed to meet the next day at a fast food joint close to our school. That was the beginining of my short-lived friendship with Obinna. He was a final year student from the department of civil engineering but had finished his final papers some days before I did. He was fun to be with. He thought deeply about things but lived in a carefree manner.

It was all strange and new to me how someone had learnt to conform to the expectations of the world around me. He taught me how to discover who I truly was and how to be comfortable being myself. He taught me how to love me properly like I deserved and how to let go... to be free.

Time went by and my defence came. One month after my defence my parents began to call me, asking me to return home. I tried as much as I could forestall my return to the point of faking illness until my dad got fed up and ordered me home regardless. I called Obinna and told him that I wanted to see him in a private place and he gave me his address.

The next day, I knocked on his door and discovered to my convenience that he was alone. It was the first time I was visting him.

He offered me a bottle of malt. For a while, we carried on like we usually did, chatting and laughing but I was feigning the lightheartedness and he noticed.
''Yeah?'' I responded, looking at my hands I won't see his eyes.
''What is it?''
''Uhum... I uhum... I am leaving'' I replied.
''To where? Why?''
''Lagos. My parents...''
''Oh...'' that was not the reply I expected. I wanted him to sound cheated out an amazing friendship just like I felt.
''When will you leave?''
''So soon?'' I nodded. I explained that I had been stalling for sometime and couldnt anymore. He did not argue with me.

 I have always felt uncomfortable saying goodbye so I didn't instead, what I said was, ''I have to go now.'' time had flown by while we chatted and I want to see Paul and the rest as well. He stood up to hug me. It wasn't like the one he had always given me. With arms around each other, I inhaled his scent, willing my mind to remember while I slowed my heart beat to match his. We hugged for a long time and I drew back. I just had to go. Obinna's eyes became darker than they usually were. Only God knows what emotions he was hiding behind them and for the first time since I had zobo splashed on my face, there was no smile on his face.

I turned to go.
''Yes?'' I looked back.
''I was going to ask you Lisa. To ask you to be my girlfriend. I swear I was going to. You are the only girl I have ever felt this sure about.''
''Please Lisa, I love you.'' He said those words as if they were forcing themselves from his mouth. His voice was thick and intense.

''I have to go!'' I said as I turned and ran out of his room. It was either that or i lose the little control that held me together. What good was his love if we could not be together? Maybe we would meet sometime in the future or never. Maybe he would still love me or most probably, moved on and give what is left of his heart to someone else. Maybe... Just Maybe.

Ohabughiro Chinwendu(Wendy)

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