What are friends for? Episode 21

What are friends for?

Episode 21

Pam got home and immediately started to pack his things in preparation to meet up with the bus taking him and other members of his fellowship to a one week camp for youths. Rita was very angry and asked why he didn't inform her earlier and he said he thought of telling her but it skipped his mind. In no time, he left for the bus.
Rita was discouraged to wait because Nath wasn't around too as he was invited to an after exam chill organized by some students in the school. She concluded to go home the next day. She thought of something profitable to do during the long holiday and what came to her mind was either teaching or learning bead making but since she knew her parents would not allow her to teach, she decided to go for the latter.

She was set to travel the next day with her belongings only for Nath to show up. He pleaded that she wait till the next day so that they can gist and in no time she agreed; quickly decided on what they can eat. She got to the market to get the necessary ingredients and cooked a nice meal.

They ate the rice and stew enriched with sliced fish, meat, animal skin (Ponmo) and a white oval-shaped ball swimming amongst the red stew but in no time they started yawning as if they both just took sleeping pills. Few minutes after, they were long asleep and didn't wake until four hours. When Nath woke, he went straight to the pot to take another round of food and while doing that, the sound of the pots woke Rita up and she joined in eating the remaining rice with Nath in the pot directly which ended with argument on who to collect the pot to eat the last few spoons in it. Nath grabbed the pot and ran towards the door but Rita followed and managed to reach the pot. She spat into the food with the hope that Nath would have no choice but give her the food; she walked majestically to her sit but Nath locked the door and kept the key in his pocket.

This time, Rita didn't know what he had done. Still facing the door, with the pot in his left hand, he shoots his buttocks a little bit back and immediately a three seconds sound like someone tearing an old wrapper with his hands came out from his buttocks; then he began eating the rice. Rita smelled it in no time and tried to run out but since he has locked the door, she got back to him and was giving him blows in his shoulder.

Nath finished the rice and landed on the bed like he was going back to sleep. He stretched his hands towards the side of the bed to carry his laptop and placed it in front of the bed. He searched through his video and played a movie. In no time, Rita joined him on the bed with one side of her skin tattooed with his.

Halfway into the movie, Nath's hands found his way making a curve around Rita's waist- it was a curdling and it wasn't an offence to both of them. In fact, at a point, Rita was moving her palm over Nath's hand as they watch the film still but it only had little effect on Nath- still normal.

  The next day which they had agreed on a date for Rita to leave came but Rita wasn't looking like she was going to leave. She and Nath continued the routine- gisting, watching movies, eating and sleeping at intervals.

It was over three days and she hadn't still left but already made up her mind to go the next day. She didn't remember to inform Nath until late night when Nath promised to tell her something important to him the next day.

Rita, I've been finding it difficult to tell you something all these while but I think I will gather the courage to tell you tomorrow evening. Don't ask me to tell you now because I won't Nath said after saying goodnight severally.

Rita replied that she was going home but Nath pleaded that she wait just for that day only in which she agreed. Thereafter, he closed his eyes, plugged in his earpiece as he listened to soul music as a lullaby for his sleep but on Rita side, she got so curious of what Nath is about to tell her.

“I knew him to be very courageous and blunt but what could this be? Is it a secret again or has he found out that I was the one that paid his school fee? Rita kept thinking about this until she slept off.

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