ConsultantOmaa price list

Consultant_OMAA price list

As you read through the prices, don't be quick to run away or tell me "I will get back to you" . Because i long to see your brand become irresistible, here is another offer:

Probably you don't have the money or you don't have up to that; so what else can you pay with aside money? I am open to deals! In fact, let's have a free trial session first. Quickly connect with me on WhatsApp (09051911988)

Payment is by Subscription

1. Bronze: Which goes for a #5,000 only.

Subscribing for bronze means you have an option to choose only one out of our packages excluding CAC registration.

You either choose a new brand, brand review, brand upgrade, business proposal, etc. You can only choose one package

2. Silver: which goes for #10,000 only

Subscribing to this means you will get to choose one package + a free special package. To crown it up is a VIP attention of Consultant_OMAA.

3. Gold: which goes for #13,000 only

Subscribing to this means you get to choose a package + 2 free special packages. And also a VVIP attention of Consultant_OMAA

4. Premium: which goes for #20,000 only

Subscribing to this means you will get to choose one package + 4 free special packages. And also VVVIP attention of Consultant_OMAA

I promise you something; if your brand isn't changing for good after subscribing to any of these packages, i will refund your money and also make sure i lookout for the problem and solve it for you free of charge. 
This condition only applies to those that are passionate about their brand. 

If i can grow my brand (Tumihub) and i haven't spent up to 5k on it since inception, how much more you that is really ready to pay.

Ask a question about what you don't understand.

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