Ignorance/awareness vs choice2

THEME: Ignorance/awareness VS choice
Episode two: The choice!
The story continues
 Suddenly, the exotic, expensive phone slips from wande's hand. What! Please can you help me complete this statement which says "the downfall of an iPhone is the ...." Smiles. The screen of the phone was facing the floor so that made Wande scared to pick up the phone. In a twinkling of an eye, Wande flashed back to the scene where he got the phone. Interchanging his money for the phone. He shouted with his hand on his head "Mo gbe, Owo jo no oo" which means "i am finished". His head was swelling and reducing in size. He was standing akimbo looking at the phone for about twenty minutes. It was as if he was in an hot sit in "who want to be a millionaire". What should Wande do?
 It's your choice! It's your choice! That is it, yea! It is!
Nothing comes to you without you having a choice to make unless you are ignorant of it.
Happiness or sadness? It's your choice! Yea! It is!
Friendly or unfriendly? It's your choice! Yea! It is!
Ignorant or informed? It's your choice! Yea! It is!
A lier or the truthful? It's your choice! Yea! It is!
Devil or Jesus? It's your choice! Yea! It is!
Drop out or graduate? It's your choice? Yea! It is!
Hell or heaven? It's your choice! Yea! It is!
Poor or rich? It's your choice! Yea! It is!
Success or failure? It's your choice! Yea! It is!
A good or bad citizen? It's your choice! Yea! It is!
Virtuous or valueless? It's your choice! Yea! It is!.
Good role model or a gang star? Its your choice! Yea! It is!
Negative or positive? It's your choice! Yea! It is!
 I heared several times that "nothing means anything except the meaning you give to it" just like Adam, he gave every thing created names. You too has that in you.
You said it is failure but many positive minded people called it "stepping stone" while others called it feedback.
The dead you are crying for. The dead in christ is jubilating because that is the best for him.
You called it useless and deadly problem but another sees it as unavoidable challenges to a greater height.
It is your meaning that really matters my dear. That meaning is not just the mere talk but the one that dominate your mind. You might be saying that you are happy but within you, you are sad. Your meaning to everything matters a lot. What meaning did you give that your challenges? What! What is it! It's really working.
 I am not disputing the fact that "in the world there will be tribulations" just as the great book said but i also know that He gave us a choice to make infact a positve one. He said "be of good cheers, because i have overcome the world". John 16:33.Common what is it again? Tell me now.
I resently talked about the mind. You are the only controller of your mind. The great thing is that, the mind is that salt in your food. It is just like the engine in your car. It is unavoidable.
Norman vincent said in his book that "throw your heart over the bar and your body will follow". This is when you see a bar obstructing your progress. Picture in your mind everything above and after the bar. Affirm that you can jump through. That is all you need.
The great book akso tells us that it is what comes out of a man that defiles a man not what comes in. Adam never sin because of the fruit he ate but because of unbelief. If this is new to you, checj Hebrew 5:14. It is called transgressions. Apple cannot make one sin. Why? Jesus said it is what comes out not in. Get my point.
That's by the way. The bible also affirm that God looks into the heart of a man not it's outward appearance just as many people do. So when i am talking about "it's your choice" i mean the one that runs in your mind.
"Get your way of life changed by changing your mind set. Well, its your choice. Yea! It is. But one thing is sure as Bishop Oyedepo says that you cannot be set than your mind set."
 Back to the story
 Its Wande choice. Yea! It is! What was he thinking? He made contributions for five good years just to get a phone. Well that's his choice. Many people who are laughing at him presently are also like him in one way or the other but they are ignorant of this. Well it's their choice too.
If you don't have destination, there is a great tendecy for you to lavish away like a prodigal son. But it will be better if you can just put your thinking into action like your role model (the prodigal son) and go back to your origin or else you will suffer than a slave.
A person with a vision will mind his spending. I want you to know that spending is not all about money alone. It can be time, life, beauty. Yes! You can spend your beauty.
In the book "the power of positive thinking" a story was narrated and it goes thus: Rolly walker said that God runs a beauty parlour. He explained that some girls when they came to college were very pretty but when they came back to visit the campus thirty years later their beauty had faded. The moonlight-and-roses loveliness of their youth did not last. On the other hand, other girls came to college who were very plain, but when they return thirty years later were beautiful women. "What made the difference?". The latter didn't lavishly spend their beauty. It's their choice tho. I said several months ago that "if you are busy doing the right thing, you will definitely have no time for the wrong ones"
Get the right thing and do them right. Are you still thinking about it? It is your best choice my dear.
 Wande's second choice is about three in number. His airtime, complemented by his girlfriend's attitude and the most painful is his newly bought iPhone. What will he do? Or what will he choose to do?
If you are in his shoe, what will you do? Please i will appreciate if you will give me a reply. Well it's also your choice! Yea! It is! See you soon.
Up next in Episode three is the topic "There is a lesson in the bad"

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