*Ignorance/awareness VS choice* Episode6

Tittle: *long for more!*

Come up a little bit higher!
There are lots of people that are still living in their past glories. There are certain Words that are the normal in their mouth. It’s so close to their tongue. Words like:
1. When I was the……
2. During my (our) own time of….. and many more
 They so much cherish and glory in their past. Just ask them about what they are into today; you will hear a note-filled of excuses. Nothing have they longed for again!
 If people like President Buhari, Pastor Enoch Adeboye, Mrs. Clinton , Bill Gate and many more great men still long for more, then where have you gotten to that you think you have achieved all. Long for more my dear!
Don’t stay too long on a glory or achievement before trying to move to the next challenge to face.
 Sometimes ago, I had told my friends that I hardly rest at home for one week since I have left secondary school but little did I know that it pays. Please! Don’t dwell too long on that achievement. Just come up a little bit higher!
 A quote just flood into my mind which says *“There is nothing that fails as success”* maybe I don’t quote it well but it simply means the success of today cannot solve tomorrows problem or rather put that the medicine that cures Ebola cannot cure Lassa fever.
 So come up! When you sharpens someone’s sword, that’s not all, sharpen yours too if you don’t want to get blunt. A quote said that "when you stop learning, then you start dying" and i am saying that *"when you stop creating- either a problem or solutions- you will remain stagnant and later dying"* therefore, Long for more!
*Back to the story!*
 “Good afternoon sir. It seems I know you somewhere” Deji whispered to Wande’s ear while sitting in a hall filled with laptops. Each laptop handled by a candidate ready to answer the questions that will be displayed on the screen.
Are you wondering what’s going on?
Wande is sitting for Jamb exams. “Yes you are not wrong, you know me because I am Wande the life coach at TUMI” He replied.
“Wow! Wow! Mr. Wande!” Dayo exclaimed. He was surprised. So there was a silent break for about one minute. Dayo didn’t know what to say.
“I know you will be surprised, let’s talk after the exams” Wande whispered to Dayo to break the silence.
So what’s next?
See you in episode7 with the topic which says *"it’s not a stigma”*

Feel free to rebroadcast.
*Slogan: To me, you are more than what you think!*
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