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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

But Why?

*BUT WHY?* Visualizing around the ages, Viewing all the ladies, Variation in all the stages. Not even a value added lady, Violating all the laws, She just keep on crossing the lawn. Various men trapped by her bed till dawn, Sonorously singing “oh baby!” Vicky! Haba! No more bra? All men longing to hide under your umbrella. Not because you are a vision carrier, Most times, it is the under, The one you refuse to cover, That is making...

The littles

                 THE LITTLES!​ *Dedicated to:* Philipsbabs *“Just as food is to the body; make over is to a bae (slay mama); and an apple laptop is to a Gboy, so as those little mission is to those ends you have in mind.”* "He that is faithful in little will be faithful in all" is a timeless principle that caught my attention some months ago. I later discover that INTEGRITY is that one word that can...

my guy will understand!

*Do you think of asking this question sometimes ago?* *Question:* as a female, Is there anything wrong for my male friend who is just a friend to come stay with me? Or  He's a friend and he just wanna stay with me for sometime. The problem is Not in his staying but how do I tell my fìancee about it? *Please listen*  Na wahala be that o. It will be somehow expensive decision to tell your fiance(or not to tell him) especially the one you...

the Third-alternative!

*THE THIRD ALTERNATIVE!* “Wow junior you scored 50% in the last exams. That’s good but one thing that I will happy about and will be expecting very soon is when you bring home the best result just like Tracy. (You wrap your hands around his neck). I know you will make me proud!” “Did I just hear that you misplace the whole bunch of keys for the office? Take this spare from me because I am sure that from now, you will make this very safe.” Will...


Criticism  Bgaam! You zoom your sport lovely car on a steady tiled road to quickly visit your good colleague at work.  You are about knocking his door but something tells you to eave drop before knocking and you obeyed.  What you here is a conversation that you are interested in. Do you care to know? If yes, here it goes: Mr. X: just imagine! That your volatile, too-forward, half-hearted, friend called…(he was referring to you)....