Let the party Bevin!

*Let the party begin!*

Mehn! Today will be gay.
*From “Shaku shaku” to “legbe gbe” then to the latest banger “science student” will make the day “shapran pran”*
I can’t just wait to have an experience with all these music gurus.
Is it their dressing?  Very dope.
Or their personality? That gives me hope.
They can’t be stranded, I hope you know?
I don’t just have choice, I have to go
To watch them all, showcasing their gold.
I was about two hours earlier for the long awaited party at the sport centre of the University of Lagos.  Right at that time, the hall had received one thousand people –if not more-awaiting the jollification.
Cool music kept intensifying my thirst as I move closer to where I later decided to seat. I spent some few minutes looking around the beautiful blue and white design of the arena. I was just wondering how a faded environment turned out to be that beautiful-in fact beautiful is an understatement.  
As time move very close to the program, a young looking music comedian popularly known as Kennyblaq-always putting on stunning black with a touch of white attire and a to-match face cap-suddenly appeared on podium to commence the party. The hall was already lamenting due to the overcrowded varieties of human gracing the program.
By the time I close my eyes to open it again, triple of what I called overcrowded multitude has joined and they kept increasing!  
How I wish we can cherish our time to use it well like we cherish those we spend with the entertainers
How I wish we can be so much concerned on developing ourselves like we do for the entertainers
How I wish we can know more of ourselves like we know about the entertainers
How I wish we can be committed to creating a positive landmark that is better than the entertainers
How I wish we can have faith in God just like we have for the sorcerers and magicians


Feel free to rebroadcast.
*Slogan: To me, you are more than what you think!*
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