What you don't know about TRAFFIC!


Sometimes ago, I had prayed several times to God to avoid every of my journey through life from staying in Lagos (Nigeria) for a long time-should not be more than few weeks.

If you will ask me what my reasons were then i will go on to express my disheartening bone of contention as regards the distressing, hectic and regular traffic engrossing almost all routes in Lagos. To crown up this unfortunate situation is the cause of the traffic ranging from a little loop holes to broken down vehicle; public transport drivers and their weak-outdated bus to mention a few which has caused us some minutes of our time.

As my pen is dancing to the beat of my hand on my staged note pad, my butt is stuck on the tattered seat of a tricycle which is already cheating me of my lecture- Lagos traffic is competing with my lectures.


Life sometimes might look stagnant. And then you try all your best to know why but couldn’t get a significant reason to hold on to and that get you more frustrated and depressed! It happens to me too and also to everyone. It’s not just you! *So don’t give up or think of suicide as an option*

I kept on wondering:

Why will a brilliant student from high school finds it difficult to gain admission to a university?

 Why will a first class graduate still struggle to get a good job?

Why will faithful partners have issue with child bearing?  


If you are trapped in the traffic of life, you have other option you can explore rather than waste your time raging in anger. Why not turn the traffic to a useful and positive platform just like I have done?

If your body is stagnant on a spot because of traffic, must your mind and passion also be?


Thanks for reading

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