Don't drop it!

Don't drop it!!!

As the lecturer resound his jargons, i was carried away with the thought to go visit “Iya Micheal” at home. Though i have been having this feeling  for some time but this time, it was more serious. The totality of me was yearning to go see her but exams are just few days away. What will i do?

I made up my mind to go,  It was a surprise visit and  the expression of joy was radiating on our faces after I received a motherly hug.
Being the best mom, she gave me “garri” to make “Eba” to eat that wonderful soup she had prepared. Of course that is one of my best food. Please follow my story.

As you may have guessed, I rushed to the kitchen to boil the water, while i put my bags in place. The water was ready to prepare the much craved “Eba.”

As i was about to get the water off the gas cooker, part of my palm was directly touching the body of the pot and you know what that means. I was already carrying the pot but the pain in my hands was tempting me to drop the pot and if i do, it will be dropping right on my feet. The temptation was so much but the ancestors in my head was shouting “Don't Drop It!"
I reluctantly listened and hurriedly drop it on a table...

Why do you want to drop that vision? If you drop it, it will be a loss for you. 

Even as i write this, i left my "Eba" to simmer down before i devour it because it is sweeter that way. I guess you agree with me, that i love food

Please never drop or compromise the Vision!

 Don’t drop it!

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