My present thirst for love

Musician “TJAN” intensifies my thirst for love

DEDICATED TO Williams Kehinde and Taiwo, happy birthday to you from all of us @TUMI

No wonder I couldn’t control my emotions lately. My heart is always demanding something, especially when I look closely into a beautiful lady and those ladies never stop coming my way.

 There are some feelings in my heart right now that I couldn’t find expression to explain. How do I tell you what I mean? I need to report this to “the police of the hearts”?  But let me try with a poem so that they will come rescue me from this emotional imbalance.


Why is my heart so thirsty?
Why am I so curious lately?
Why do I long to compromise my word “till I am ready”
Why does “not loving now” now looks deadly?

Who killed the soldiers of my heart?
Who exposed my heart to the pool of love?
Who is that one that shoots this uncontrollable Dart?
How can I be longing for love just like that?

Tjan! Your songs is the Boko Haram of my heart
Aduke! Why do you spread this attack to overwhelm my heart?

Nevertheless, I will wait till you come!
Be it days or months please just come.
Don’t consider years because that is too long
 When you come, I will know you are the one!

Please come! Don’t be long 

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