This is IWAYA: Episode 5 to 7

This is IWAYA

Episode 5, 6 & 7

If i may ask; who are those that are supposed to vote, the lecturers or the students?
If he has the backup of the students who have the power and right to elect their leader, what else does he need? If the students make up their minds to make it possible, can it still be impossible? “But this is Iwaya where anything is possible”

Mr Phil, we are who you don’t want to know. We are here to get the sacrifices for peace. Fine you haven’t been elected as the student union president but it’s so glaring to us that you will definitely win. We will support you but we want to let you know that we have our dues and it’s a fixed percentage of the SUG fees. So we are here to let you know and then show ourselves to you” they stood akimbo while ‘Skipo-the number one’ adjusted his colourful beret; his face looking gentle and cool-gentle like lion.

“My people, i understand all you said and i had been informed that you will come. I love peace and i definitely want peace for all the students in school. I am ready to do anything that will promote peace in as much it is documented and accepted by the law.

 Look, i am a representative here and my duty is to manage our resources well enough that i will be transparent to all and that is what we are lacking in Iwaya. I am ready to actualize what you have asked for, if we can get it into the law but will you want to take that step? Can we even buy peace? I love your courage.

Episode 6

I am ready to actualize what you have asked for, if we can get it into the law but will you want to take that step? Can we even buy peace? I love your courage.

If there is anything i will like to pay for or give you money for, then it will be human feeling. As soon as i am in, i will definitely follow the law and i hope you understand me guys” PhilipBet explained to them. They all shook his hands and left without saying anything. He thought for a while and fear engrossed him before he finally altered that “it’s not easy to put your integrity over everything”

Election came and passed by, but just as always in Iwaya, the number of voters who voted that day was more than the number of students of the school not to even talk about those that are eligible to vote. Those that registered and are eligible to vote were just about fifty percent of the total population of the students-you must wonder why just half of the total is eligible?

How do we describe people who want change but are not ready to stand for it? They are the ones that said that the problem of their society is their leaders but refuse to stand for the right leader. Instead, they stand aloof and do nothing. Oh!! Sorry; they actually do something-they complain and will find excuses for everything. After all, this is Iwaya.

But this time, the support was strong. Even after pouring black into white, the white still ends up the winner-probably with a narrow escape; PhilipBet won the election. The story of the school is about to change for better for the students. The journey started immediately but will officially kick start after their inauguration.

 The vibrant ‘President to be’ couldn’t wait for that. He has started typing letters that will be disbursed to some sections of the school.
One of his letters was the one written to the security section of the DSA concerning the frequent harassment of students which is shown below:


Episode 7

Good day sir. I trust you are doing well. I really want to appreciate all your efforts to curb our excesses as students in terms of dressing and attitude. The punishments and other things you did have really helped us but just as you know, it is normal that we the students will not see it as a good thing now.
But sir, don’t you think some of these securities misuse this power? 
A quick example i experienced was on a sunny afternoon, i was passing through the main gate, the security guard on duty stopped a student and asked him to go back home to comb his hair. The student explained that he combed it but his hair is hard and easily get rough and that he planned to cut the hair after his lectures. The security insisted he goes back home and that if he makes any complain again, he will slap him,of which he can do. He drove him away like a goat.
What do you think about this sir? I will be glad to hear from you soon about it sir.
We want to learn manners from you but we want to learn it in the right way and not like a goat is being taught.  
Yours Faithfully
SUG president


The joy on the student’s face, the confidence growing again. The power of letting the pain go, after being drained, caned by lecturers who are disdain-probably they are insane or they are just a little lain. The students are ready to stand for their right-many came present on the inauguration day.

The securities present that day were so much and of different categories; the students wonder why they need all of that for a small event like this.

 Rumours were spreading so fast about this and that but who is ready to listen? All their mind is in the new administration, ‘fearless’.

 They were all required to be searched before entering the hall and they all yielded.

The old three-legged professors,the vice chancellor walked up to the stage and gave an Iwaya speech.

Of course this is IWAYA in as much he hasn't been announced anything can still happen. So watch out for the next Episode.

Episode 8.. Watch out

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