Must you listen to your ego?

Must you listen to your ego?

Between your ego and integrity, which one should you choose?

What reply do you always give if you are asked how you are doing? Do you know that your answer most likely is a program?

Please know today that human beings are programmed!

So the question is: Who programmed you?
It's either you or whoever you give the power directly or indirectly to do so.

But then,

There is this program found in many of us (if not all), and ever since I have discovered it in me, i have been rewriting the program to what i think is better.

This limiting program is what i called "Selfish conclusion"

Sometimes, i wonder if you don't know that as human, Jumoke operates on a complex program of which is uneasy to decode. Why then do you conclude easily?

If you think you don't need Jumoke the bread seller at all (anymore) and so you throw cold shoulder, one day, her Ty Bello will discover her and you may be surprised to see her at the height you dreamt of attaining!

I was wondering if I wouldn't have taken Jumoke for granted if i had met her when she was selling bread. Although, it's not me really but it's because i am programmed.

What a limiting program it is ....

Hear this,

Everyone has the potential to become great. So will you try to stop taking people from granted?

Rather, will you remove that 'selfish conclusion' program?

Think about this!!!

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