What are friends for? Episode 11

What are friends for?

Episode 11

“Pam, I  was raped by my father when I was seventeen ” Nath look shocked while Pam looked indifferent before he cried- joining Rita.

“He raped me and the painful part is that he threatened me and also sent some assassins to threaten me. What a stupid father, isn't he?” she wiped her face like it was over and already healed of the incidence.

“Pam, with all his threat, he tried to give me anything even when I didn't ask. He sends unreasonable money to my account but it was of no help. I didn’t mention it to anyone at home but from my actions,it was clear that I was not fine. I looked tattered and remorseful always which was noticed by my mom,very sensitive woman" she said rolling her eyes. "She called me one day to ask me what was wrong and her first two questions shocked me; are you pregnant? Or were you raped? ” short pause accompanied with silence.

“My body vibrated as I was shocked but I controlled myself. I couldn’t look her in the face before I said no in very confident voice but I really don’t know that kind of sense in my mom. She said immediately that with my reaction and reply, it is obvious one of these happened but I insisted that none of them happened and began crying. She came close to pet me and assured me that she is with me and no matter what is it, she will protect me. She said in her words "I’m your mother and I’ll not allow anything bad happen to you, you can count on me". Hearing that, I cried the more but still didn't say anything

If I knew better I  shouldn’t have talked Pam. I would have skipped what built up my deepest sadness till today; the part that steals my sleep every night since I have been jilted and betrayed by my own blood. Those that brought me to this world destroyed everything. The evil days are always played back in my mind.

“Her hands wrapped around my back to my belly, she provided a shoulder for me to cry. Her eyes were on me but I couldn’t maintain eye contact. In my mind, I was  rewinding how he tore my cloths while i was asleep, covered my mouth with his right hand and a knife on the left raised at the same height with his ears; he dragged down my pants while i struggled to stop him but the knife kept looking at me closely,waiting to fulfil what it was designed for. Then, he removed his pintle and plugged it into my flowered vagina and as he move it and out, I got pained and I could only cry then the last straw came when he said ‘So you are not new to this because I was expecting blood to flow’ he chuckled, giggled and made an awkward sound respectively in few seconds. I couldn't forget those words, they hurt more than anything. He stopped, was moving his body away from mine and I thought I was free only for him to stop when his mouth was in my vagina. He licked it and bit it and even forced me to enclose his pintle in my mouth. He spent hours and I felt like I was dying. I couldn't even hear what mom was saying while i think through.
Mom robs my hair and promised to keep it secret after helping me out alone but I couldn’t stop looking at the chair lost in thought.  Her two hands held my handpit and lifted me from the chair, sat me on my bed where I was raped while she was away. She locked the door and persuaded me to talk.

Silence, curiousity and fear mixed with the air and polluted it until my mom begin to cry. “Mom stop crying please. I will tell you what happened if you stop crying” I said even when I didn't have the intention to and she stopped to listen but I went silent again and I cried again. “Mom! Mom!Mom” was what I kept saying and it was as if I had become dumb. “i was .... I was.... ra.” then i cried again before i softly said ‘raped’

Her hands went straight to her face and covered it. I was scared of what was going to happen next. I was curious to hear her but she didn’t talk. “Oh! Jesus! Jesus! God! This girl has killed me ooo. Why have you kept this to yourself?” she said this with her face still covered and when she opened it, her hands was filled with moist. “who? Where? When? How?”

This became  problem for me and begin crying but she quickened me to say it. Scared, I replied “someone... someone close to us” and when she asked who it was, I said “someone in this house” she got angry and ask me to spill out the name but I couldn't talk, I stood up and left her on the bed. I wanted to run away but she was with the key. Then i entered my bathroom and locked the door.

She started crying again, begged me to open the door but I didn’t. “Ok tell me from there who the person is and I'll leave after. My daughter, you need help right now and I will be by your side. Is it Dayo? Or Gideon or Prince?” I said no to all these names and kept quiet.

Silence lasted for minutes and I don’t know what said it in me but I just said ‘Dad’ boldly. She asked me again and I replied ‘your husband’ and the next thing i heard was the slamming of the door.

Pam! Nath, that was the beginning of my misery. My mom came back few minutes after and was looking serious. She said I was lying and I wanted to destroy her marriage. She washed me with her negative words and right there, the only option for me was death. Everything looked still to me and it seemed as though I was dreaming but I realized I wasn't when my ears made sound like that of a guitar giving an echo. She didn't just slap me, she started to hit me slightly with her right hand "You've killed me Rita. I happily gave birth to you to be joy to our family but why have you chosen to give us sorrow?" By this time, I was confused of what to do. I left the house for days without looking back.

Mom couldn't even ask Dad throughout my days away. She was behaving normal at home until Dad angrily asked her where i was after spending a lot to look for me. She told him what happened and even still told him that she didn't believe me and that she scolded me for trying to destroy their marriage. But my Dad said he did it and it was devil's work but my mom still forgive him. Why did she? She's wicked and she still has the guts to tell me all of these and begged me. "My daughter, I couldn't just believe this could happen that's why I reacted to you that way. I couldn't just afford to loose all i have built all the years."

She pleaded with me to make this secret between the three of us and make sure it didn't happen again. She also said I shouldn't look seductive again and that got me angry but i wanted peace at home. I didn't tell anyone till now but my life has been miserable. Home is the worst place to be for me. Although Dad never did that again and always make sure he satisfies me but he deflowered me and that cannot be taken away. Yes, he deflowered me, there was no blood that day because my hymen broke while i was learning to ride bicycle few years before. I couldn't stop the urge for sex till now. I can go any length to get it now and I can't help it. Life has just been wicked to me guys.

All of them wore  remorseful faces. Nath turned his back on others and was trying to hold his tears but it burst out. "You are both right, all those parents are wicked." He couldn't stop crying and it seems he wants to share his part of his story.

Watch out for the next

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