What are friends for? Episode 12

What are friends for?

Episode 12

Nath began “have you wondered why I have found it difficult to go to church or honour any spiritual father and mother so to say? He asked. How can i? When my own father that everyone thinks is the cleanest man always battered my mom every night without reason? I never knew this until the day I passed my first UTME exams. I received the message around midnight while i was surfing and with joy, I didn’t know when I got to their door only for me to hear sounds. He was seriously beating her and she was literally pleading. How on earth will she be pleading, when she should just take us and leave?  I couldn’t confront any of them but I really was not comfortable in church hearing them preach what they don’t have and showing the love that didn't exist. I stopped going to church because of this. On a particular Sunday, I was looking for my flash drive and while searching, I got into my dad’s locker and for the first time, it was opened. Knowing it was a mistake but for curiousity, I checked it out only to find porn movies all over. Oh! I never knew it was porn until I slot it into the DVD player to check it out, I was surprised and disappointed the more. I couldn't stop watching until i heard a sound outside; I quickly got everything back to their normal positions. My Dad walked in and went straight to his room and I perceived he remembered he didn’t lock his locker. He locked it and got on me. He said a lot of things and with annoyance of all I found out, I responded with anger and left the house for good three months.

Where I stayed for those months, I became promiscuous by their influence and free access to porn. The worst happened when I got back home and after settling things with my Dad, mom called me and asked why I had changed drastically. I told her about the night she was beaten and that was when I knew it had been her daily routine. I thought I heard it all only for her to start talking again. ‘My son, that’s my fate she said. Your father is a good man but just hot tempered and jealous. He sometimes beat me for talking to any of the men in our church saying I was trying to flirt with them just because of my one mistake. I only did that once son but that was when I was so in the mood and your dad knew how high my libido is. I’m not easily satisfied and he will even go to the length of watching porn to satisfy me but this time, he was always with missionary work and for a month, he didn’t have my time. So I had to get it outside. My son, I’m at fault here and this is because I had a promiscuous youth life. Please forgive your father for my sake’

Right there, i didn't know what to say. I just started crying. But my Dad called himself a Pastor and he still do all of that to his wife? No matter what she has done, is he not the one that always preached to forgive and forget?

The worst of it is that the experience of those few months got me who I am today. "

Pam and Rita looked with surprise and curiosity written all over their faces . Serenity and solace overshadowed the atmosphere where they were. 'So, the I'm not the only one feeling' got the three of them to cheer up and Pam suggested they pray together that night.

Three of them held hands together and prayed one after the other and each of them also prayed that God give them the right mind to forgive their parents and be closer to them as much as possible.

"I have a confession to make please" Rita said and coincidentally, Pam and Nath said "go on na" before Nath finally added "thank God this is confession time". They all chuckled

"Like seriously, i don't know if I'm the only one but i felt something heavy was lifted from my heart. It's just like a loosened weight or something" Rita said only for Pam and Nath to affirm the same thing. "I've always taught people to share their secrets and see the magic in it but I never practiced it. Thank God I did today and I am so happy I shared it with these set of friends who can understand me better" Pam said.

They cracked jokes together and played into the midnight before they slept off.

Watch out for the next episode!!!

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