What are friends for? Episode 13

What are friends for?

Episode 13

The bond of friendship became stronger than Anthony Joshua. Pam, Nath and Rita entered a phase where they really cherished and enjoyed each other's company. To them, it’s ok if they can stay together all years in as much as the basic amenities are available. Lectures, assignments and any other thing that restricted them from being together became a burden- even twenty four hours became the biggest burden as time flew too quickly. They sometimes talked late into the night till it's almost morning and most times ended up going late to classes and even spent the largest time sleeping or dozing. Rita stayed more with Pam and Nath and sometimes wouldn’t go home until she had exhausted all her clothes only for her to get to her hostel and find designs like a Christmas light running across the perimeter of her room.   

But then, test and exams gradually knocked at the door. At first, it wasn’t a big problem but when it was few days to the exams, the communication reduced and each of them sourced for how to learn. Pam and Rita couldn’t study together despite being course mate because they understood that they have different pattern and time for study- Pam loved to do midnight reading in a noisy area, which always required him to go to school overnight while Rita love to read in the day in a silent place with her ears plugged in feeding her with soul music. The only thing they do together in this period was to revise or to meet Nath to put them through some few things.

Just like every other thing, exam came and was gone in no time. Pam and Rita finished four days before Nath which made Rita and Pam got communicating again while Nath was always frustrated about his remaining exams- he couldn’t join their conversations and play and even when he does, he left in no time to prepare for his exams.

Four days was over and the three got together again. They agreed to spend three days in school before leaving for their various homes. Cooking, eating, talking, playing Ludo game, arguing, etc became the routine for these days.

It was a time to talk more on their past lives and weird days. As they did this, it became easy to open up anything to one another. "Pam! You can't believe that I've dreamt about this time before while I was still in secondary school. In that my dream, i was able to share anything with the guy. I even told him my weak point sexually and I was happy with him. The guy was my fiance in that dream but look at me now, I'm so happy to be amongst you guys" Rita said as she picked the beans with Pam. Nath came in and requested that Pam followed him to get the rice that will complement the beans and also ingredients of the red oily caping stained with different colours of good attraction and aroma. They left in no time leaving Rita with the beans.

Rita finished picking the beans and was expecting her friends and since she hadn't taken her bath, she decided to bath before they came back. She took off her clothes and was left with her pants and bra. She left for the bathroom with a wrapper on.

As the splash of water makes beat, she sings along while the echo gave the sound another melody but the tone of her voice were fighting one another which made the song horrible but to her, she was singing nice and was enjoying herself. She raised her hands, twist her legs to do some dance steps she will never try outside the bathroom. She looked herself in the mirror as she did all of these in the name of bathing.

It was time to dry her body and change her underwear, then she remembered she didn't have them with her. So she decided to get it in the room.

By this time, Pam was close to the room. He came back to get money as the both of them were lost in conversation that they didn't remember to take money along only for Nath to buy fried yam and potatoes and was already eating it before they realized they didn't have money on them. Nath stayed back while Pam rushed home to get the money.

"Rita! Rita! You won't believe what happened to us" Pam said this as he moved closer to the door hurriedly and was laughing

"Pam wait, don't come in" Rita said as she hurriedly got towards the wrapper but Pam couldn't hear as he was engrossed with thoughts of how to get to Nath as soon as possible.

He opened the door and all that followed was "aaahhh! Go back" Rita screemed as she squat on a wall and her hands bodyguiding her breast.

Pam eyes didn't look but saw in just few seconds and he went outside. "Sorry, i didn't know you are dressing up" and while he stood outside, he replayed the picture of what he saw "God forgive me" he quickly said to skip the thought.

He got the money thereafter and left to meet Nath. In no time, they came back and cooked with Rita. They ate together and all prepared to go home.

Watch out for the next Episode

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