My dream woke me up

My dream woke me up!

It is just January 2nd and I am supposed to be on holiday till 6th but my dream woke me up this early when I planned to have as much sleep as possible before going back to work. I didn’t get up very happy because what I was dreaming about wasn’t even my business in the first place. I wasn’t the main character in the dream and not even someone I was close to was in the dream. The faces in the dream were people I haven’t spoken with for a while. Besides, I am still very much angry because this I am writing too is not really about me but about YOU! Now let me get at it so that i can go back to my sleep.

Sometimes, I end up pitying myself! Why do I have to come to this world? Why can’t I just be something else - why human?

The major reason I always have the thought is nothing else but as a result of the gravity of CONFUSION that overwhelms me about a subject matter at that time. Let me give an instance:

I have heard from different celebrities, motivational speakers and even mentors that it’s best i put more of my effort into getting rich first before trying to fulfill a purpose. When I heard their reasons, it sounds so true and real that I wanted to drop all the dreams i have been having on purpose fulfillment. But then, the next day, I started reading a book by another achiever whose book is more like a success story and all he was telling me in his book is that there is nothing better than fulfilling purpose from the onset. I was so angry that he was saying Gibberish until I read his reasons and success story.  Now I am in the middle. Which of these is correct? Which one are you holding on to now?

This is one out of the millions of my confusion but I think I have gotten the right answer to this particular one and I will like to share with you. I just hope I won’t be confusing you too — Smiles.

MONEY is an important factor to fulfill a purpose — Right? At the same time, fulfilling purpose is an important factor for easy access to satisfaction and more money. This is another CONFUSION — Right? I have an idea.   

What if you discover purpose, begin to work on it and at the same time ensure you are in search of that thing you are PASSIONATE about that can be a source of income for you, will it be nice?

Are you still more confused as I am too? Let me quickly have another pity on myself and on you reading this.

@segalinks on twitter said “when you find yourself in a country going through what Nigeria is going through, you don’t chase money. You find yourself.”

Maybe you need to find yourself to get out of a lot of CONFUSIONS like this. 

WAIT! Just before you go, can we connect? Especially if you are a small/medium scale entrepreneur, or you have a brand you are trying to build or you want to start a brand or you don’t even know who you are and what you want because I think I want to go on the journey with you together. I love to see your brand become irresistible!

 Check Consultant_OMAA out using

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