The quick fix magic

The quick fix magic!

Read this in 10minutes and make 1million naira in 10days! Shall we?

With the rate money is needed in this age, i know just like me, you couldn’t resist this post. There are lots of things that you need to accomplish as soon as possible. Let’s run through what your needs might be at the moment:

  I really want to get some clothes and snickers so i can just upgrade my wears. I have to look good for myself and my spouse so that S/he doesn’t leave me behind in search of greener pasture. In fact, i have to have enough to take some of his/her responsibilities especially on special days like his/her birthday and Valentine’s Day.

 I really want to level up with my friends and the trends in society. I should as well be posting on twitter with the tag ‘twitter for iPhone 11’ display if possible.

Oh! Less i forget, i need to get my room classic. My room needs to look presentable and conducive enough especially for my visitors because i will frequently have visitors as from now.

Don’t let me bore you with so many suggestions. It's possible you have your "wants" playing around in your mind right now. If you don’t, just imagine having a free 1million naira in your bank account right now, what are the lists of things you will use it for?

Perceived needs aren’t far from this generation especially when there is easy access to a lot of information- the internet.

 Let me see if i can quickly read your mind in a minute:
your hunger for money/getting business is because you have urgent needs to fix with the money, right?

That is why it is not far from people to quickly raise their standard anytime there is an increment in the inflow of income for you. You simply say “I can’t wash my clothes myself again. I have moved past that level” and probably ends with “because there is no time”

   If this is the mindset you still have at the moment, do you know what uses to happen to spoons at home? Have you ever wondered what could get spoons missing until you are left with one or nothing?

It’s 99% possible that you will experience the same in your financial life if care is not taken.

What kind of mindset do you now need? Connect with me on WhatsApp (09051911988) as i unveil some of my experience and discovery with you.

Feel free to share. I will be glad if you do.

Written by: OMAA
A publication of Tumihub
Follow @Tumihub on all social media
WhatsApp: 09051911988

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