Is schooling for everybody?


*“Mr. Lecturer! With all your qualifications, your life time salary is what a dropout footballer gets for just few days. Shai! ”*
*“Daniel! I heard that Michael has now been given admission to TUMI University and you are older than him but you still haven’t gained admission for over 5years now. Did he have two heads? You better use your head and go for special centres! Shai! ”*
But what’s the difference between schooling and education?
SCHOOLING simply teaches the methods but EDUCATION always asks for the principle first!
SCHOOLING ask and shows how only but EDUCATION ask and shows how, why, and why the how!
Schooling says 1+1=2 or 10 and that’s all but education will explain why!
Teach me the principle first, then the method!
Education is not only a *money making machine* that makes you earn a fat salary. It is simply socializing by replacing an empty mind with an open mind. An open mind to Live, Love, Learn and Leave a legacy!
Education should teach you how to make money to live well; how to love everybody; how to learn anywhere every time from anything or anyone; and how to leave a legacy by your way of life. So can all these be thought in the four corners of a school in just few years?
*“EDUCATION IS TOO FLEXIBLE AND CANNOT BE BOXED-UP IN THE CURRICULUM OF AN INSTITUTION”* because even as wide as Google is, it’s just the rudder in the ship of education!
Sometimes ago, i ask some of my colleague at the university if they read to pass or to understand. Fortunately unfortunately, most of the answers gave an impression that they had no choice but to read to pass- Even the overall best student did that also! What!
*Our education system is teaching us to replace our empty mind with a fixed mind filled with emptiness!*
If that is what they can offer us, then let’s stand up! Do it yourself. Always go for the principle first and not the method! Always ask why! Don’t just stop at knowing how, always ask why the how!
You are educated only when you live well, love, learn and leave a legacy!
Will you rather get educated? Or better still, will you start getting a good education?
Feel free to rebroadcast.
*Slogan: To me, you are more than what you think!*
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1 comment:

  1. Hmmm.... This really touched me... Knowledge wide open!
