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The cost Episode 1

EPISODE 1 The cost of my unspoken word Vs  The cost of my spoken thought “You could have told me this earlier. OH my God! How on earth can this happen to you LAUREL? Let me call you back because I am on a bus, already close to my house.” (Bay alighted engrossed in thought:  “How can this happen. Just like that? But, she met this guy not too long ago and...

Are you really smart?

Handsome looking and money speaking Rancho use to be the best student from onset until Farhan shows up. ‘Textbook’ as people normally calls Rancho because he can recite-word for word-all that is in a text book including the page numbers. Though, he hardly understands what he is reading but he is less concern about it. The ‘La cram La pour’ master is always eager to use...

Why tame us?

Why tame us? Hearing this story was funny to me and i wonder what I will do if i was there. I was told a case where a lecturer named Engr. Ogunfayo ask my course mates a simple 2+2 arithmetic during a class session and many find themselves pressing calculator to get it, just because the lecturer is a scary disciplinarian. Is taming me a means to educate me? Why will...

Am I that ugly?

Am I that ugly? An excerpt from the book “is there really a weakness” coming soon. “While I was young, People call me the ugly one, I don’t like it but I can’t stop them ‘cos they are too much, I couldn’t make new friends ‘cos I think they won’t like the ugly stuff. Guys don’t even stare at me for a second, Let alone approach me. How will they be my James Bond? So...