Are you really smart?

Handsome looking and money speaking Rancho use to be the best student from onset until Farhan shows up. ‘Textbook’ as people normally calls Rancho because he can recite-word for word-all that is in a text book including the page numbers. Though, he hardly understands what he is reading but he is less concern about it. The ‘La cram La pour’ master is always eager to use ambiguous words in his sentence so that he can be called a geek.

But then, Farhan showed up with a different kind of intelligence. He changed the mentality which depict that a brilliant person must be a working book that hardly plays and always on a tuck-in shirt with an addition of an unavoidable glasses around his nose, reciting some sentences continuously.

Fabby Farhan facilitate ease of learning. He explain things in a simple language. Then you wonder how a playful brat like him can be so SMART?

What does smartness really mean? Why do we compare ‘hard work’ with smartness?

Smartness qualifies dropout like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gate and many other average students and landed them at the top. Then the hard working first class students who refuse to embrace smartness join others to serve the smart leaders.

Smartness is a step above hard work or rather put that smartness is a mental hard work. It is not an island on its own but the quality of mental activeness.

It's good to have excellent results. It's really ok to be to be relevant in your work place. But think of it in a situation where you read to understand and you have the inner pleasure because you can actually see the importance of what you have read and that helps you to have good results and also help you in your work place not just to be relevant but also to be an asset!

That is the beauty of smartness.

  • Understand instead of cramming. Be smart!

  • Improve instead of giving up. Be smart!

  • Love instead of hate. Be smart!

  • Don't worry be happy. Just be smart

In a nutshell, engage in your passion instead of running after money. Be smart!

Are you really smart? Are you ready to be smart?

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