Why tame us?

Why tame us?

Hearing this story was funny to me and i wonder what I will do if i was there.

I was told a case where a lecturer named Engr. Ogunfayo ask my course mates a simple 2+2 arithmetic during a class session and many find themselves pressing calculator to get it, just because the lecturer is a scary disciplinarian.

Is taming me a means to educate me?
Why will they tame us?

I have also experience series of cases where the students fear to ask questions or give suggestions because of the fear implanted in them. Where then is the education?

Check out schools and you will see quickly, the pattern of the student’s behavior attached to fear. I haven't seen much but i have experienced more than two in Nigeria.

Should they sacrifice our confidence for their selfish fear of our excesses?
If they want us to be the future leader, why should they build fear in us because of their own fears?

‘Not too young to run’ has been established and so, young ones can now get more involvement in politics. But should we do this with this pattern of fear and low confidence our education system had built in us?

Which risk worth it? Just like Ben Carson illustrate a case where highschools extinguish laboratory contents like animals and chemicals because of the fear of hurt it can cause or probably one hurt it has caused.
Many schools don’t have active student union government again because of one case or the other.

How can the school prevent these young lads from exploring the real education because of "their selfish fears"

FAMS, let’s get this across to all teachers, lecturers and schools. Let’s call their attention to this their expensive caution over us!

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