The cost Episode 1


The cost of my unspoken word
The cost of my spoken thought

“You could have told me this earlier. OH my God! How on earth can this happen to you LAUREL? Let me call you back because I am on a bus, already close to my house.”

(Bay alighted engrossed in thought:

 “How can this happen. Just like that? But, she met this guy not too long ago and all she told me was that they attended the same secondary school; ‘Ehen’ met again at university and they exchange contact number; ‘Ehen’ he called her severally and then ask her to be his girlfriend thereafter but she told him to let her think about it-that’s all she told me about him.

How come will ...” he kept on demonstrating with his hands while he walks through to his house.

There must be an untold story behind this!-(does she knows my age?)-I will call her to tell me the full story if she really wants me to come in...”  BAYE concluded!

Two weeks earlier

Into the lecture room

The lecture room setting of many universities-especially the University of first Choice and Nation’s pride-are for gossips and gist before the arrival of the lecturer and so was for Laurel. Besides, she has always been the talk of the class. Here goes her usual experience:

Her walking step made it easier for her course mate to know she is the one coming due to the sound ‘skia skia’ her feet produces as she drags it through the terrazzo ground. Her body perfume was always on point which left you with no choice but to look and when you finally do, her catwalk style will entice you until you have checked her big tush before the thought finally demanded you to see again her boobs even when you don’t want to. Then, she gives you a medicinal smile to water your fire. You have no choice but to give back a smile before you exchange pleasantries.

The ladies are envious of her beauty, her intelligence and her ‘always happy’ mood, while the guys are seeking every opportunity to get close to her but she tagged her purity as ‘staying away from guys’ to retain her ‘virginity’ which she has been keeping for about twenty-three (23) years now.

 While doing her square-patterned routine (regularly attending lectures; devoted to church activities; acting president of “Unilag relationship club”; and lastly spend her evenings in the library before she finally left for home) she came across this handsome guy who used to be her school mate in secondary school. He is in his last year while she is still in her second year.

The chemistry in their conversation that day defines love at first sight as their hands finally prove my point when they don’t want to let go each other. Holly kept on using the finger next to his thumb to scratch her palm and after a while, she cut the connection when she said to him that ‘Jesus loves you’.

They spend quality time on phone calls and all forms of chatting on social media available to them. She preached to him consistently in her own way and also discuss severally on relationship issues. It was a turning point for Holly especially when he finds his personal conviction and then he gave his life to Christ.


“Hello! Laurel can you hear me now? But you told me you can’t date HOLLY. Besides, how did it translate to pregnancy?”

Watch out for episode 2.....

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