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The cost: Concluding Episode!!!

Cost of my unspoken words Vs Cost of my spoken thought Concluding Episode (Few years after) It was just one hour to the commencement of the long awaited conference. On this day, multitudes gushing in with enthusiasm on their faces, although, it was a three-day program, but this day had more multitude so much that the addition of the former days population was just...

The cost Episode6

Cost of my unspoken words  Vs Cost of my spoken thought! Episode6 Chill! I am going somewhere with this. Trust me. Before the popularly known ‘FUFU’ get to the stage of the meal you are salivating for, it has really gone through different stages. And at every stage, you may find it difficult to believe what can bring out such delicacy out of it. Maybe you don't understand what I am talking about. Let me tell you the processes it...

The cost: Episode 5

The cospossible unspoken words Vs  The cost of my spoken thought EPISODE 5 “Thank God i am here this early to have this ‘healing process’ discussion with you coupled with the fact that i just finish enjoying the Nigerian delicacy you prepared for me. Some of the things i will be doing might look weird which certainly it is, but make sure you learn from...

The cost: Episode 4

The Cost of my unspoken words Vs The cost of my spoken thought Episode 4 Note: I seek your consent this last time on this Episode. “I am sorry i dropped the call the other time. I realized i was late for evening worship. But I'm here now. Let’s conclude this tonight or what do you think Laurel?” Baye suggested. Yes of course! My curiosity and desperation controlled me that night. So I stood up from my chair carefully and sat down again. I was...

The cost Episodes 3

The cost of my unspoken words Vs  The cost of my spoken thought. EPISODE 3 NOTE: I want to seek your consent as you read through this episode. Link of Episode 1 & 2 are at the bottom of this piece. The misery of the dark night “Ehen, can we continue?” Baye demanded. I would have listened. And you have always told me to remove that enticing wall paper...

The cost Episode 2

The cost of my unspoken words VS  The cost of my spoken thought! EPISODE 2 Note: I will like to seek the consent of you before reading this. Also, in case you haven't read episode 1, check the information at the bottom of this piece. “Hello! Laurel can you hear me now? But you told me you can’t date HOLLY. Besides, how did it translate into pregnancy?” Baye...