The cost: Episode 5

The cospossible unspoken words
The cost of my spoken thought


“Thank God i am here this early to have this ‘healing process’ discussion with you coupled with the fact that i just finish enjoying the Nigerian delicacy you prepared for me.

Some of the things i will be doing might look weird which certainly it is, but make sure you learn from it. Right now, i am about to talk about FOOD.” Baye said with much seriousness.

“FOOD?How?” Laurel interrupted

Everything you narrated to me about what happened to you has something to do with FOOD. Let me emphasize again that it is likely associated with food.

How does that sound to you? But then, before you begin to nail me, let me explain quickly.

There is this Nigerian food that is white in colour and always accompanied by some delicacy in vegetables.

 This food is properly transported in morsels by the strategic movements of the five fingers in your right hand.

Because i like food, i will like to describe the food before i say the name.
There is this food that looks elastic-like, normally prepared in a pot on fire with the help of turning stick. It has to be an expert making it otherwise, you will have what i call ‘lumps’ containing some undone whitish-like powder.

Also, its serving style is unique. A flat plate is its stage which is usually conveyed from the hot pot by a specially made microphone. This microphone is a flat and wide spoon without the long and slender handle popularly called ‘Igbako’ by the Yoruba’s. About two or three spoons gather on the stage and after washing our hands in a separate water called ‘omiisanwo’, the dressing and designing of the food is done with the hand to make a dome-like shaped ‘okele’ as the Yoruba’s will call it which means ‘swallow food’.

Not just that, it is always accompanied by some instrumentalist sharing the same stage playing tunes containing series of fish, meat and other parts of a meat. These instrumentalists are of different type but i did like to stick with that one with a touch of vegetable dominated by melon called ‘Egusi’ and some tiny fish, meat, liver and so on. The instrumentalists are surrounded by fascinating red oil. And then, you can’t wait to eat that drenched bush meat overcrowding the whole thing.

“Stop making me hungry. I am already salivating and i wonder how i will get that now. I thought i lost my appetite but you just made me hungry.

“Baye! Don’t you understand?

 I am a fool and i have gone astray.

I am a bona fide victim of my circumstance.

 I am now a child of the world” Laurel murmured.

I couldn’t stop it. My first experience initiated me to the business and I became a ‘Kama sutra’. That night was the unfortunate discovery of my desperation, aspiration and thirst. Not because i done it once but because i kept on demanding him for more thereafter.

 I don’t even know what food has to do with what we are discussing. But i really want to know.” Laurel said in anticipation.

NOTE: Tell me the full name of the food on 08162867982 (WhatsApp) or on and stand a chance to win a gift-plus you get the rest episode(s) as fast as possible

In case you missed any of the Episodes, get it from the blog. Thanks for reading.

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