The cost Episode 2

The cost of my unspoken words
The cost of my spoken thought!


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Also, in case you haven't read episode 1, check the information at the bottom of this piece.

Hello! Laurel can you hear me now? But you told me you can’t date HOLLY. Besides, how did it translate into pregnancy?” Baye asked.

“Baye, I don’t know how to explain and I hate myself right now. How on earth will I explain that I was the one that later demanded what I resisted Holly of, few minutes after he asked for it. Till now Baye, I keep on asking him for it almost every day since the last time.

I have tasted the oxymoron (the pain and the pleasure).

I tasted what i have always avoided.

 I have followed my feelings instead of my instinct.

I have joined them and i am no more distinct.

I am always pained and now i am addicted. Baye can’t you see?

“How? I don’t understand what you are saying; will you make it clear please?” Baye asked with all curiousity.

Is it not him, he kept calling me. The very first time he called was the day i had my longest call session. We started from exchanging pleasantries and moved on to a different topic. He was a nice talking machine that sustains conversations.

Less i forget, i remember he took me back to those days in secondary school when i used to get punished because of how I slim fit my uniform. Then, I had the intention to get all the attention to myself with my very short pinafore. He reminded me of Chidi my boyfriend during those days.

“Laurel let me confess that one Valentine’s Day at school; i was peeping through the window when I saw that it was only both of you in the class  at that time of the day. I don’t know if you remember when you asked Chidi to close his eyes and then you brought out a wrapped package from your Tom and Jerry bag and within me, I thought of the gift to be a perfume due to how small it was,  then you asked him to open his eyes  which he did. He then said wow and pecked your forehead. Do you remember?

Then his own part made my pintle erect. He brought out a fancy bag and I thought it was just ‘something lite’ until when you brought it out and it was a bra and a pant.”

“Holly, don’t tell me you saw the next part too” Laurel murmured

Of course i did. I remembered you said you loved the colour but i was shocked when he asked you test the stuff in front of him. I saw the shock on your face and I thought you wouldn't do it.

‘That guy is a sharp guy’ I concluded that day because of the way he lured you to actually do it. I remember he moved close to you and from where I was standing, i was already feeling what will happen next. He romanced you and before i knew it, i saw him pulling up your pinafore already. I saw your pink pants and believe me, I became high. To cut the long story short, I saw how you changed everything even when I couldn't see well, I tried as much as possible to see. My eyes almost cut through the window. Of course you know nobody in my state as at that time will want to miss that aspect. I was ready to watch you change back to the one you were on before but you didn’t and it pained me. I know you didn’t do that because you were scared he could touch your breast again just like he did the first time. Am i right?”

 Yes! Very right but Holly I don’t know how you still remember everything in detail till now. Imagine! What i thought was hidden was not at all.  Now I believe the Yoruba adage that says that ‘Walls have ears’ and that ‘nothing in the face of the earth will be hidden forever’.

 But then, what happened to me during that time was that I was actually desperate to hear the word ‘I love you’ which my parents and siblings refused to say to me. I thought it was just words between lovers and I longed to hear one. In fact, that was my reason for my short school uniform, my ‘shakara’ and all I did then but now, I am different.

With my understanding now, I believe love is something that should be shown to all and the word ‘love’ should not look too special. I have promised myself to teach my children this lesson and always tell them that I love them. Although, I still have the mentality of feeling somehow emotional with the ‘I love you’ something is coming from a guy but I am practicing to learn how to make it common. So I have cultivated the habit of saying it to my male friends even with my emotional tone.

“Yeeeeees! Holly, let’s talk later because I need to attend to my course mate. By the way, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH” Laurel horridly said.

“Calling you for what again?” Baye asked.

 He was calling for my reply to his proposal but I am always avoiding that question.

Then one day he decided to come say hi to me at home. He came at around 9pm or thereabout. We spent about two hours jesting about our lives in secondary school and when it was time for him to go, I escorted him to the end of my street that’s when....”

But wait ooo Laurel. Do you mean all these happened after he gave his life to Christ?... Hello! Let me call you back, my plantain is burning...”

 Baye dropped the call and zoomed to the kitchen but lo and behold, the plantain was still as intact as when he sliced it-the gas cooker is demanding for gas which was too late as at that time of the night."

Check out for Episode 3

For episode 1: click the link below

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