The cost: Concluding Episode!!!

Cost of my unspoken words
Cost of my spoken thought

Concluding Episode

(Few years after)

It was just one hour to the commencement of the long awaited conference. On this day, multitudes gushing in with enthusiasm on their faces, although, it was a three-day program, but this day had more multitude so much that the addition of the former days population was just about half of what the theatre has received one hour before the commencement of the program.

Baye walked in with the support of a crutch on his right arm. He was excited when he got in, because it was his first time out of the hospital since the day armed robbers broke his right leg. He couldn’t get to the front row; also he didn’t want to be the source of distraction to the great speaker for the day, so he sat at the back.
He was pleased with the condition of the hall. Cool music, cool environment, cool decoration and all other cool facilities provided. He felt relieved and satisfied with all he saw.


Then, this slender fair complexion lady walked to the stage. What got Baye’s attention was her hair-do painted black with a slight touch of wine at intervals. The length of the hair was to her waist. Right above her forehead was a rounded shape, curved with a part of the long hair. It was designed in such a way that it looked like donut or what Yorubas' call ‘Osuka’.

After Baye observed that, he couldn’t hold the noise anymore as shouting  and standing ovation had taken up the whole hall, so he blocked his ears with his hands.

“Thank you for the love. Can we now get to business please?

 I must tell you all that, i was at one stage in my life, I was at an extreme worst area of life and didn’t know what to do. But then this friend got to help me out with a simple analogy of how to make FUFU.

I want you all to listen carefully and also relate my story to fufu production and see how i became my own FUFU:

Just like fufu, i started as a raw material

My parents planted me well into this environment.

I guarded myself as it is in the cantonment

Then, i became ripe without a bad omen


But one day, Holly peeled away my cloths-my white linen

He unleashed what i was covering and broke my hymen

Again, he broke me into pieces and throws it into a basket

I was happy; i thought it was a casket


I came back to my senses, so i got up

Though broken but i wanted to be soft

For about three days, i  had been surfing the net

Finally, i became soft but then i was still stinking I sucked


I tried more; all just for me to be cleansed

 But then, it was just a bit; i got rinsed.

Then i got scrubbed, robbed and broken again

Holly came back and i was in it again; again and again


What i was doing was wrong; i knew that from the beginning

But this time, i entered my shell and squeezed myself in.

In few days i was fermented; i became lean

I thought i was finished; i was already in my death’s inn.

(She-the speaker-cried while on this; the hall was silent. Faces were looking pitiful; some were crying. Baye stood up after a lot of cry and walk towards the stage.

 Then she said in a low tone: ‘Guys can’t you see that i was a raw fufu? That was the last stage of my raw production. I didn’t know but i thank God i never committed suicide’) she continued:

But then...

One day, immediately after my first abortion,

I took up the courage to tell someone,

Like i was on a hot seat, i got questioned.

After a while i loved God again; i now help others like James bond.

(She took up her handkerchief and wiped her tears; the tension in the hall reduced; Baye struggled to move forward still; Cool music saturated the atmosphere. She held the Microphone with her two hands to conclude.)

In summary, i am a bona fide proof of the saying that “All things work together ....”

I can still remember Baye told me one day that:

“In as much it’s the right thing, it’s not a stigma.
If it’s God’s time, then it’s not late”


What words or thoughts of yours has cost you so much?

Will you still allow them steal your future?

(Baye finally got to the seat in the front row. He screamed with a loud and crying voice saying;  ‘Laurel thank you and God bless you for me’)


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