Pure Silence

Pure Silence

How can 'silence' be pure? What do we mean by pure silence?

Have you ever experienced silence where there are no impurities? Where your soul and the surroundings are on the same frequency? Where everything looks like they are frozen and all you can hear is the sound of your heartbeat.
Even in the midst of this, it's not like you are processing a thousand thoughts in your mind but all your focus is directed to your heartbeat. Wow! What a solace, what a tranquillity.

Let me let you know that cool music can also be an ingredient of pure silence in as much it doesn't restrict you from focussing.

What do you do in the face of pure silence? Because just like a sword, it has two sharp edges.

  Are you among those that seek to get more of it because you always want to critically think through to birth something that will be relevant to your progress?

   Or are you among those that will always try to avoid it because you don't want to think about your bad habits or that your pains or maybe you don't want to think at all?

If you are running away from it, don't you think it's eating you up? Don't you think it's depriving you of great discoveries that you alone can birth? Don't you think you need help? Break free from this self sabotaging virus. There are various bodies that are ready to help. Ask us at TumiHub.

  In the midst of pure silence, an ordinary man will create great things and he will become a legend immediately.

Name any of your favorite celebrity and check if they play with their pure silence. Most of them even have to get a restricted space to observe it because GREAT THINGS COME OUT IF YOU CAN CRITICALLY THINK!

If everything created are created twice; firstly in the mind before it becomes a reality, then won't you also get your first creation done?

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