The voice of blood; Episode 10

The voice of blood

Episode 10

Her face changed and she started to drop tears. Ademi had completed the rest of his story and it goes thus "Caromi, i still find it difficult to understand all you said the last night we talked. I was just explaining something to you and you took it up. Like seriously,  you were just talking in parables.

 I will like to finish my discussion here since you've refused to talk to me.

I had thought of doing evil to my boss. I had even joined hands with a gang who were ready to rob our office. But ever since your birthday, after that night, I changed my mind. In fact, so many wrongs I had done, I was making moves to correct them. You took away my darkness and gave me light. As i am typing this, i still wonder how I stayed off free sex. If you know how addicted i am to sex, you will know that i can spend my last penny to get it. I can even go to the length of using charm on any lady i want sex with. But ever since, i stopped being extreme. Maybe not you per say. Maybe it's the commitment i had with you. It kept on ringing every time in my head. Asides that, you are the second person I fell in love with. After my first love-relationship that i gave my all to back then, you are the next. The rest have been  'chop and go'. I love you Carolina and i still do" she looked away from the phone. The aeroplane felt like a prison to her. It was as tho she should rewind the time to when he was talking so she can hear his story completely. She bowed her head and was thinking. "Why didn't i give him the chance to finish what he was saying before i replied? Why didn't I even pick up his calls? I could have just heard him out one more time before i made this final decision" the thoughts went on until she dozed off.

Ademi left the front of her house after about two hours of thinking too. He had different
Ideas in his mind and finally he thought of going to a bar to have some drinks.

But when he got there, he didn't just have some, he drank to stupor. In fact, he was sent away from the bar when they were about to close for the day. It was one of his 'side chick' that helped him to her house. He just kept calling Caromi, Carolina mi until he slept off.

Carolina and her family got into their new apartment. It was set already. They just arrange the little luggage they had with them. It was a tiring journey for Caro because it was her first time travelling that far, coupled with the misunderstanding with Ademi. She went straight into her room with the hope of getting a little nap but she couldn't stop thinking. "What do i do now? My Dad will surely not give ears to anything concerning Ademi again. In fact, how do i get through to him like this? I angrily disconnected our connection." She kept on singing the song 'what do i do' repeatedly until an idea dropped in her heart.

She thought of other social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. She got on them immediately and gave him a direct message. She apologized about her quick judgement and narrated what she thought and why she did what she did.

That gave her a relief and she was able to sleep after surfing a little bit more-you know Instagram can be kind of enticing because you might end up doing what you went there to do thirty minutes after you have scrolled through different posts.

Days went by and Caro was regularly checking for a reply from Ademi but it was looking like 'i will get back to you' syndrome. She thought of getting his contact from his social media which she did but was disappointed when the response from the other end of the call wasn't from Ademi but a beautiful lady with a nice voice saying that 'the number you are trying to call is currently switched off. Please try again later'

Ademi has been a regular customer of the bar and was always high. He didn't even try to go to his work place since he got back. He was just on alcohol diet and you can see that showing in his body. At night, he use to be as clean as a mad man. It's either he is begging someone for money or he is drinking or he is at home sleeping.

So who will be the middle man to connect the lovers together?

Ademi was in the bar one day drinking as usual. The police came around and took him along with some guys. They thought he was part of the Yahoo boys that were there too.

Not too long after, the real culprit got themselves bail and were out. They didn't even spend up to two hours. But here is Ademi spending his third day and still counting. He cried out for mercy and after six days, he was released.

That was his redemption from the bar. It was also the medicine to be normal again and to begin life again. He thought of getting a new job and hope for the best. He had to start sending his CV like how news paper is distributed. But then, he had to regularly check his mail if there is any message from any company. He had no phone and wasn't planning to get anyone soon. So he makes use of the café. That was how he brought out to life some of his social media. But they were all flooded with messages and notification that he couldn't check all in a day or two.

So he was always checking the little he could any day he went surfing. Then one day, he saw a message from Caro. He was afraid to open it. He read the message and one could see the relief on his face. He now saw the clearer picture of what happened. For about fifteen minutes, he rested his back on the chair away from the computer and was thinking. 'So what will we do? How do we start? Where will we start from? " he was thinking about this and his time was reading. It was about two minutes to when his time would expire before he came back to life.

He replied her messages and in few days, they got talking again.

Watch out for the next episode...

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