The voice of blood; Episode 8

The voice of blood

Episode 8

Ademi was scared to go to his house. "Who knows what will happen this time " he said to Caro while they were on their way. She thought for a while of the kind of help she could offer and the best help she came up with was to sneak him into her room because she knows her Dad might not accept him yet even if her mom did (that's even if she'd accept)

She succeeded in getting him into her room with a near-miss catch by her dad. She thought they'd both slept, unknowing to her that her Dad was on a conference call. It was the call that rescued Caro from getting caught. He was looking away from the lobby while Ademi and Caro walked in but as soon as Ademi walked away from his view Mr Anderson turned around and saw Caro sneaking but his call didn't allow him make any move.

After his call, he went knocking on her door. By this time, Ademi was bathing. She became scared and unlike her, she opened the door and came out in order to avoid her Dad from entering. Mr Anderson was kind of confused by her behavior and asked why she sneaked in and why she stopped him from entering her room.
"Dad, so you saw me sneak. I was avoiding you and mom cos i knew if you heard me come in, you'd want us to talk and i'm so tired. In fact that's why i don't want you in cos i know we'd go on for long talk if you come in. Dad, can we talk tomorrow please?" She pretended as if she was tired. She was giving fake yawns and was stretching her hands and legs. She supported herself with the door knob . One of her eyes was touching the door knob while the other was the only one in contact with her Dad.

Her Dad gave her a good night peck and left. She hurriedly locked her door and breathed heavily. She sat on her bed and was looking at the roof but was hearing Ademi singing and splashing water. She went straight to the door and said to him : "You better bath silently or else we will get caught, Dad came knocking and was suspicious but i was able to cover up. Thank God he wasn't hearing your voice when he came or else, probably you will be on your way to police station by now. Also thank your head that it's not mom because if she was the one, i am very sure she would have smelt or caught us, because she would  insist on coming in to gist. Ademi! Ademi! So you're not hearing since?" She opened the bathroom door, put her head in and saw Ademi dancing. Not only him but also the long man between his laps. "You better shut up or we will be in trouble" she said and slammed the door.

Ademi carefully and quietly finished bathing. He came out on a white towel showing a shaped organ at almost it's center. (I guess Mr man is stretching and even out doing exercise. )

Caro came closer and threatened to pull off the towel but Ademi was running here and there to avoid that until he landed on the bed. She came and was almost pulling it off but he drew her closer to the bed and they kept playing like  babies using the pillow as their toy. But then, the small Mr man was taking things seriously and was sending messages to Ademi's brain and to Caro's eye.

The small but mighty organ won the case and set Ademi on fire ready to burn. Caro noticed and wanted to rescue him but 'no way' was the answer from the ready Ademi. 'Ok Ademi listen. Dad has promised to help you. He said he will sponsor you to travel with us to Belgium and you can also marry me but he has his condition. He....' Ademi jumed on her like how a winner of a contest will do when he's announced the winner. But Ademi's own wasn't because of what Caro said but because of what he wanted. He wasn't even listening very well. He was just like 'we can always say this after but if you insist, kindly talk very fast and let's do the do.' See what Mr man has started.

She then tried to use another method because she wasn't going to risk it. 'What if any of my parents come close to the door and gets to hear our sounds-the product of our intercourse. I won't allow this to happen " So she escaped by saying she was going to shower first before anything. So she left for the bathroom.

While bathing, Ademi was preparing for the battle. He was sharpening the weapon and wearing the armor and bullet proof. He dressed just like Goliath not knowing a small David is going to defeat him.

But will it be that kind of defeat you are thinking? I guess you are wrong cause it isn't.

Caro while bathing remembered that she was going to interrogate Ademi about the abduction issue. 'What if i use this as a bait to get the truth from him? After all, i was told that the two ways to get a guy to say the truth is either you get him drunk or ask him during intercourse. How i wish i could combine both, but i will try this anyway." By the time she was done reminiscing, she was also done bathing.

Ademi focused his eyes on the bathroom door handle expecting the 45° turning. The turning happened and the door gently opened.

Ademi became almost paralyzed because of what he saw. What a weakness you can experience even if you are the most powerful man on earth, when you see a lady show up naked especially when she has a little spice of body movements and seductions. Just pray you don't experience it cos you will never go back the same.

That was what Caro surprised Ademi with and just like what a cock would do to a hen, he ran after her as if it was not the same food he was going to eat. He grabs her and they both got into the business.

It was even hard for Caro to talk during the process. Aside the fact that she was going to sound like an incoming call, a business like this takes along the mind and brain into the feeling. It's just going to be a feeling you can't explain. So it was kinda not easy to give a talk of such but she did.

After a two time break, she got talking on the third business. It was hard to even communicate. It was just like someone who has speaking disorder because it was a mixture of words and sounds.

Ademi was already unguarded. Which guard would even remain at this point? The predictions of Caro worked cos he confessed like a witch would do at the end of a Yoruba film.

"Ademi, to be frank with you, i know you cooked up this abduction of a thing. You wanted your boss money by force and so you planned this. But why did you now want to implicate those girls? Don't lie to me because i had dreamt about it and my dreams are always true " although it took a long time before she could complete this, but she did anyways.

Then, Ademi began....

You will be shocked by Ademi's reply.

Watch out for the next episode

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