The voice of blood;Episode 12&13

The voice of blood

Episode 12

'So Ademi, i have checked your file and realized that you are very experienced about this job but i noticed that you have bridged a rule of this company which may be to your disadvantage. I noticed you have been to prison and that is a disqualification here. If not, you would be resuming work tomorrow as the marketing team leader. Nevertheless, i can't tell what will happen. I will get back to you if I've thought it over. I am doing this because of who sent you to me but I am not promising you a job yet.'

Ademi left there in shock. It was as if his village rulers have gotten him. As he walked out of Mr Emeka's office, his face was like someone who pooed the watery beans and corn he ate few hours ago on his body. His ears were shut from the sounds of his environment but something was still speaking and he was hearing. It was his mind that was screaming silently. 'What have i done to deserve all these recent happenings? Is it my destiny? Is it my fate? Since the night i got committed to Caro, i just keep experiencing one calamity to the other and she keeps rescuing me from them. Will she be able to rescue me this time?'

He brought out his phone in the process and sent a voice note-about what happened between him and Mr Emeka- to Caro.

He was walking along a minor road while he kept explaining to her. He was so passionate about what he was telling her and you could tell in his voice. In fact if you happen to meet him while he was talking, you will stylishly walk behind him to eavesdrop the whole story he was telling.

It was not up to thirty minutes he left Mr Emeka, he tried making a u-turn towards where he would board a bus home but his eyes and mind was stuck to the phone and so he couldn't see a bike coming. Unfortunately for him, the bike man was on high speed trying to show his skills.
He honked for about five times to alert whosoever was on the other side of the turn. He then reduced  his speed a little; swung himself and the bike very low to his right side which looked as if he wanted to fall but he never fell. Instead, he followed the curves on the U-turn and got himself and the bike upright again on the same motion and speed but he eventually landed where Ademi was coming from.

It was confirmed the bike man was very good at it because he managed to avoid hitting Ademi despite that he was very close to his skin. He never touched Ademi but was as close to him as a tattoo is close to the skin. But the unfortunate thing was that Ademi was carried away by the message he was dropping for Caro and so before saw the bike, it was already close to him. His reflex action was activated immediately. He wanted to run away from the bike but couldn't remember he was very close to the gutter. His first step slightly touched the edge of the gutter while the second step from the second leg ran into the gutter itself.

He tried to use his hands to rescue himself from falling in completely but they were injured with scratches and slightly dripping blood at intervals. The most painful part was the sound 'gbo' from the contact of his head with the side of the gutter wall. It sounded so loud that it's echo was very loud too. For few minutes, Ademi was still hearing the sound continually in his head and when the sound finally stopped, he tried getting out but wasn't able to. The most fearful part was when he was looking like someone that had lost his memory or could it be possible that he lost his memory?

Episode 13

The bike man saw what happened and he knew he might be accused of what happened. He knew he might end up  paying for his bills and so what did he do? He added more speed and wanted to run away but someone who knew him called out his name. He heard his name-brother Kasim-and gave up his action of running away. Of what importance is running away when the people around know you already? He faced the music unavoidably. He together with a man took Ademi to an hospital. Ademi was unconscious during this process but he regained his consciousness that day as soon as the doctor perform some quick safety precaution and also gave him injection. At first, it was as if the doctor wanted to kill him because he was forcefully pressing his chest with his two hands. But then, Ademi raised his head suddenly and was breathing heavily. He stayed in the hospital for about two days.

Throughout his stay in the hospital, he was disturbing the nurse to help him look for his phone but as God will have it, the man-who brought him in his car with the bike rider-came around and gave him his phone intact. Not only that, he paid for his medical bills and also instructed the doctor to regularly give him personal check up until he is completely healed. He left without seeing Ademi.

The first thing Ademi did  when he got his phone was to connect with Caro. She hadn't read all his messages because he wasn't able to send them before the incident. He told her everything that happened.

Carolina pitied him and promised to get to Mr Emeka and discuss with him which she did. She called him and begged him like a daughter will beg her Dad when she needs something from him. She told him about his accident on his way home and that was a convincing factor for Mr Emeka.

He went silent after hearing what happened to Ademi. He thought for a while and told Carolina not to worry that he was going to give him the job. He asked about Carolina's welfare and also about her parents' before he finally hung up with 'My regards to your parents and please take care of yourself.'

He called Ademi immediately but he was sleeping because he took an injection with a little of sleeping pills in it. While he was sleeping, a transparent small tank with some yellowish content was hung above his head and a hose-like pipe was transporting the content into Ademi through his hand.

He woke up few hours later and returned Mr Emeka's call immediately he checked his phone. He was asked to resume work for anytime he is completely healed. Mr Emeka capped the conversation with the salary he was going to pay him which was about four times his former salary.

Ademi almost got off the bed before the pipe gave him a signal. He went back to his position and was happy with the outcome he now had.

His mind went straight to what his first day at work would look like. He was scared of the new position, new environment, new people and most of all the cloth he was going to put on. At least, he needs clothes for all the days he will spend before he gets his first salary-to get a new ones. That was a big challenge to him and it became his new bone of contention.

Ademi left the hospital and went home. He didn't resume work until after two weeks he left the hospital. One of his challenge was the cloth to wear although, he had told Caro about it but he wasn't going to expect her to get it for him.

He thought of where to lend money to get few classic clothes but no one was really ready to help unless Carolina. She sent him the first share of her salary as agreed and told him to use that to get the clothes. What an helping hand Carolina really is!!!

Watch out for the next episode!

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