What are friends for? Episode 17

What are friends for? Episode 17

He slept at his apartment in the student union building and did not inform Pam that he was around. He woke up the next day and quickly rushed to the union’s president. They went straight to the bank and after about two hours of waiting in line, it was their turn only to hear that he rules had been changed. The account they opened no longer allows the president’s signature alone but two people. They pleaded for long stating the urgent need for the money but all to no avail. Nath was very destabilized and you can see that all over his face. He was so silent and his face was looking so remorseful.

The president was busy calling other executives but still couldn’t get anyone to come around. So he switched to asking all of them to donate money so that he can pay back whenever they can get the money from the bank but still couldn’t make an head way still. He became tired and hopeless. Nath couldn’t risk it anymore as it remained just two hours for the official closing of the staffs in school. So he told the president not to worry that he will go for one year absenteeism. On getting there, it became so obvious that he was late for what he came for as the officer-in-charge was not around and won’t be back soon. He left school and went straight to a bar because it was looking like his head will soon burst. He gave up trying and assumed it was over. He drank to stupor and didn’t leave the bar until 11pm. The union president later got a means and has been trying to call him but he already left his phone in the bar. Nath staggered until he got to the entrance of his room. Pam opened the door after so many bangs.

  Pam wondered what could make his friend be this way and remembered his issue with his school fee. He hastily Pam up his phone, logged on to Nath’s school account to know if he has paid or not since he knows his log in details. “God! Let it not be that this guy hasn’t paid. Even if he has not, Lord please miraculously help him” Pam prayed as he surfed the school website. He then suddenly jumped up after reading though something on the site.  Pam confirmed that he had paid his school fee two days ago. He then wondered why he got drunk which was very unlike him. He slept off while thinking on what it could have been.


Nath woke up as early as 5am and with the plan of packing his loads to go home before anyone wakes. He had it in mind to go to his senior sister’s place first to tell her what happened before he goes home. He searched his pocket and the room after for his phone but couldn’t get it. ‘Oh! I misplaced my phone again?’ he said as he walked towards his travelling bag to get packing. Since Pam was still sleeping, he took his phone to check the time and also to his torch. He started packing his cloths and when he was done packing, he zipped it up. He went straight to the bed, beside Pam who was sleeping; he sat up and started thinking. Tears rolled out of his eyes but he immediately robbed it off with his two hands, robbed the hands over each other close to his mouth while his head was moving like he was praying.   
For the last time, he just wanted to confirm the status of the decision of the school before he leaves finally. So he decided to check the school site for the news. He unlocked Pam’s phone and typed the school URL. The first thing he saw was a letter at the top of the home page which goes thus:
“The school is aware of the large number of students who are yet to pay their school fee and the school management had a meeting to discuss this issue. According to their conclusion, the payment has been extended with two more weeks and that will be the final. Any student that fails to pay after then will have to face the necessary judgement.”

Nath jumped up and almost fling away Pam’s phone. ‘Thank God. Jesus! Jesus! Thank you Jesus’ he kept saying this until he woke Pam up. He was surprised to see Nath this happy at this time of the day. He saw that he has packed his bags and became more curious. “Nath! Where are you going? Why did you pack your belongings? And what is making you happy?” he asked.

 “Pam! I thought I am already a drop out. I thought i will have to start again or won’t bother again. I thought i will have to be my parent’s enemy but God helped me and rescued me.” Nath said and immediately continued “I couldn’t pay my school fee till yesterday night and I thought it was over only for me to see it now that the deadline has been extended.”

Confused Pam stood akimbo as he watched Nath display his happiness. “I really don’t understand you again. I checked your portal this morning and I realized you have paid and now, you are dancing because the school gave an extension for payment which I really don’t know how that concerns you.” Pam said. Nath was surprised; picked up Pam’s phone to check for himself and to his amazement, Pam was correct. He quickly called the president to ask if he was the one only for the president to explain how he has been trying to reach him. He called several people who he thought could have done that- at least knowing his log in details to the school portal but still couldn't get.

“But who could have done this?” the two friends won’t stop asking

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