What are friends for? Episode 18

What are friends for?

Episode 18

“Mom! I’m really sorry for lying to you about the money I collected from you last week. I have had so much guilt since then  and I’ve not been able to sleep well since that day. There wasn’t any project nor textbook I bought, I collected the money because one of my friend wasn’t able to pay his school fee and it was closing soon. I didn’t know how best to help and that was why I did  that and in fact, I had to add my feeding allowance to it. He is oblivious that I paid for him but now, mom I’m stranded and starving. Now, I need to buy a compulsory textbook. I’m very sorry mom” Rita said after so much effort to sustain herself in school but couldnt and having refused to go to Pam’s and Nath’s place at least to eat.  To her surprise, her mom did not scold her. She only asked of her wellbeing and how she has been feeding herself and also promised to send some amount to her first thing the next morning which she did. The next day while she was in class, she received the alert and went straight to cash it out after her lectures for the day.

Just as the ATM dispensed the money, she received a debit alert. She decided to check it out in case the amount deducted for charges doesn’t overlap to spoil the remaining amount she left then she realized Pam had called her severally and had also sent a message. She read he message and got to know he hasn’t been feeling fine. She went straight to see him and on the way bought snacks in case Pam have to eat something. She got there and met Nath cooking for Pam. She avoided him and focused more on Pam despite Nath trying to reach out to her. This continued for days and drifted to weeks- even when Pam was completely healed, she didn’t stop visiting but only when Pam is available. Pam noticed and asked them separately but couldn’t get a reasonable reason. He tried to work things out between them, but it still didn’t work.

One day, Rita had called Pam to inquire if he was at home which he said he was only for him to drop the call and realized he had to be in church for a meeting. He didn’t remember to tell her and so she came. Nath was at home sleeping when she knocked. He opened the door and welcomed her but she greeted slightly and asked after Pam. Nath told her he had gone to church and just after hearing that, she hissed and murmured word while she walk towards the door, then Nath started talking.
“Rita!” he said, Rita was shocked but didn’t look back- she only slowed down and listened. He continued “Rita! Since the day what happened between us at the studio, you have been avoiding me and you have all the right to. I’m really sorry for what happened- despite knowing what you have gone through, I was not supposed to let that happen between us. I was only used to having sex anytime I’m in the studio and it has always been a routine in every studio but  I'm so sorry I made you my victim that day. I really tried to avoid it that day and that was why I excused you the time we were playing hard on the couch. I’m really sorry. Please forgive me, I deeply regret letting that happen. Please forgive me” he went on his knee and that got Rita more emotional.

Tears dropped from her face as she open her mouth to talk “Nat.. Na... Nath! You weren’t at fault at all. I was the one that caused it and i was so ashamed of myself and also felt guilty. I was only avoiding so that i won’t make that happen again. I had a rough past and it can actually be a disadvantage for me. I was only trying not to let that happen to you.” she continued crying.

Nath moved closer to her to pet her “You don’t need to be guilty, I'm sorry for using the weakness I knew about you against you and I promise that it won’t happen again. I can swear on my life. Please stop avoiding me and let’s go back to being friends” he said. At this time, his hands was on Rita’s shoulder looking straight into her eyes. Rita gave it another interpretation and moved her lips towards Nath’s  but just as it almost landed on it, Nath excused himself from the room and walk away to somewhere far away.Rita landed on the bed and was crying. “How did I get back to this state? God please help me and take away permanently promiscuity from me” she slept off not too long.  Pam came back and met her sleeping. She was sleeping carelessly- her short skirt already moved up and while she was feeling heat, she had loosened some buttons in her shirt.

Pam tried to avoid looking through but still couldn’t control that until he...

Watch out for the next!!

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