My boiled egg

My boiled egg

Woke up this morning preparing to go to school and so I decided to cook rice and boiled egg.

    While rinsing the egg, I found out that the egg has this dirt on it, kind of thick Sha, and I carefully washed and that was all............................................

    Oh!.. that's not all.

   Then something popped into my heart as I carefully rinsed, it's the word *cleansing* which actually means removing of dirt from a particular thing.

   For everyone you meet on planet earth, there is always a reason. It's either for a blessing or for a lesson, there will always be something you detest in them and if you want a lasting relationship you have to clean it out. it's either for you to clean out something in them or for them to clean out something in you!!.

    Now, let's imagine I cleaned the egg according to the texture of the dirt, I bet you, it's gonna break.

   Bringing this into our relationship  with people. Let us learn to clean with care, you have a friend who seems very arrogant and you're not pleased with it, it's left for you to carefully remove that so as to have a strong relationship.

   You can't take away anger from a person by getting angry with the person!! will only strengthen the anger in the person!!!

    Let's imagine the egg breaks, tho! it's still useful but not for the initial purpose.

Another alternative is for it to be fried and then I have rice and fried egg instead of rice and boiled egg!!..I have not eaten that before anyways but I guess it's not gonna be a nice combo!!!

    So if cleansing is to be done, it should be with love and don't correct a blunt person with been blunt with the person. A negative like person needs a positive like person so as to enjoy the relationship.

*In other unrelated news; I ate my rice without egg*

© JimiSewa ❤️


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