What are friends for? Episode 19

What are friends for?

Episode 19

Pam tried to avoid looking through but still couldn’t control that until the information he is feeding on passed through his eyes through to his pintle to the extent that it got filled and stretched out. While he tried to be distracted by taking up his books to do his assignments, he ended up feeding his eyes the more. 
At a point, he begun to feel guilty and left the room- just walking without having any destination in mind, he was busy soliloquising prayers for forgiveness. Rita woke up and left to her hostel since no one is around. Throughout her walk home, she was thinking of her predicament and how she can come out of it without losing her friends. 

The next day in school, they all were surprised with their results pasted at their department. The notice board became scary which was a proof of why fear was built on every face that scanned through the white and black designs on it. Some people left the board very gentle and quiet as if they were tamed or just listened to a touching story. While others ran away from the board towards the grass in front of the faculty shouting “Thank you Jesus” not because they had an excellent result but because they scaled through carrying over a course.

It was a normal thing to Nath though he was scared too but all he wanted was to maintain his second class lower grade which he did this time too and was happy about it. Rita didn’t have the courage to check her result especially a course she was scared of failing. Nath checked it for her and sent it to her via SMS and as if she knew, she failed the course and another one too but Pam on the contrary topped the class bagging A’s in most courses including the ones Rita failed. He could have had all A’s if not an English course which has been his weak subject since he was young. 

The class was surprised to see Pam top the class especially Rita who became more remorseful. She answers questions more in class than Pam did. In fact, she was more popular than Pam- few people that knew Pam were through Rita.  

Pam suddenly became the superstar in their class of which Rita became jealous. While trying to hide it, it became more obvious and was glaring until Pam noticed. He reached out to her and pleaded with her for not carrying her along last semester despite being very close. He then promised to correct his wrongs this semester and begged her to stay closer to him this time especially staying more in their house instead of her hostel so that they can always read together.

At the time she got to the entrance of her door, she received a message from Nath; so scared to read it but she did. And it goes thus

“Rita, I’m really sorry for what I’ve caused you. I know what you might be going through and how much you may hate me or hate yourself right now. I’m sorry for erupting the dead addictions but I promise to be of help. I don’t blame what you tried to do the last time. Please feel free to always count on me anytime this irregular urge shows up. Call me and I’ll calm you down. I promise you i would not take advantage of you again. Now that i know what you are battling with, I’m ready to be a good friend in time of need.”

Rita was happy reading this and just about the time she held the key to her door to open it, the thought “the good and the bad of having a friend” popped into her mind. She laughed at it as she walked into her room.           

In no time, things were working as planned. Pam and Rita got closer because they spent most of the time together after classes and sometimes in the library. The gossip was widely spread that they were in relationship. Pam is the major factor that is always motivating Rita to read in the day and midnight too. Nath too had to join in the reading routine after seeing them do that severally. Reading became fun when it gets to the time planned to read for thirty minutes and play the next thirty minutes and do that until they have read for two hours into the midnight. They will read and gist; sometimes, they play games instead. At times, they plan to wake up at midnight whenever their day was very stressful; though sometimes, they all switched off their alarms without waking up to read.

“Nath, since you said I can always count on you, please I need your help right now. My sexual drive is lusting for someone and I really don’t want to lure him to it but I really didn’t know how to avoid it without having to stay away from the person because I need to be with the person once a while. You can’t know the person actually but please what do you think I should do?” Rita said feeling remorseful. Nath advised her to avoid staying alone with the guy especially in a room or anywhere private. He reminds her of the reason she must shun the urge and also motivated her to take her mind of it and focus on another thing. “Rita! Anytime you are having this urge, the best thing is to leave the premises immediately. Take excuse from whoever it is that you are with; if possible, give an urgent excuse and leave immediately” Nath said. Rita appreciated him and ended the call only for her to see the person she was talking about standing akimbo behind her. She was shocked and feared he might hear all her conversation. As the guy spread his arms to hug her, she hugged him slightly as the shock was all over her face so much that the guy detected and asked what the matter was but she quickly diverted his attention to something else.

Guess who the person is? 

Watch out in the next episode!!!

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