Money is everything: yes or no?

Money is everything: yes or no?

Answer that question before you go on to imbibe this piece...

If  Dangote ask that:
"But why is everyone crying of money?" What will you say?

If he further say that "if money is a fruit, aren't we going to first plant and nurture the tree until it produces in its season?" What will you say?

"Don't compare him with us. Don't mind him he has money to start up. He has rich parents..."  Will you rather gossip that?


 Don't let that one excuse above deprive you of what you can achieve...

It's not money to start up that really matters. Rather, It is your ability to think. Think! Think again.
When you think, you plan, strategize, plan, strategize again until you acquire that strength to start.
Then you take action; you do it, you start; Yes! Start with the little you have....

As a builder, progressive work sometimes is of great advantage...  Starting with nothing can give you a stronger foundation and progressive development.

How old are you? You are created to impact this world. If you have wasted these years, will you still waste the remaining?

There is platform that support those that have started and doing well in it. Reward of free advert in over eleven countries is part of the support given... Click on the link below to partake.

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