Who told you life is not beautiful?

“Micheal! Today, I disown you and i mean it” my mum-Iya Micheal-said angrily on that morning, making my sister a witness. She said a lot more and left in anger.

Also very angry, I left to my room-not too bothered about what she said- and was about to sleep. But my sister kept crying. She asked me series of questions like ‘Micheal, what did you do to her? Do you have another mother? Do you want to kill her?” but I was so angry that I couldn’t say a word.


Few days ago, I and Iya Micheal slept together on the same bed and so, I flashed back to those times. All i could ask is “what has happened to me in a space of time?”

If your view of life is on the extreme negative like i do those times, you are actually depriving yourself of the purpose of your life. Get out of that dungeon!

 I started enjoying my life the day ifallacy
t my deepest backstabbing secrets to a close friend of mine especially the day i discover my passion. If you ask me, i will tell you that LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL.

I always feel more satisfied when i am fulfilling purpose, achieving what i have passion for and when i help others in the best way i can.

An anonymous said:

Unless we share someone else’s pain, we can never relieve ourselves of pain.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can.
Hate cannot drive out hate,s only love can.

Find every reason to live and not to ‘be a stiff’
Find every reason to give and not to always receive
Find every reason to help not to beef
Fine every reason to leave a legacy not a fallacy

Discovering your identity is the key to fulfilling your destiny! By Sunday Adelaja

Celebrate my birthday today by supporting our campaign “YA campaign” Click on the link below to partake in the campaign....


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