YA Campaign

*YA campaign plan*

“YA campaign” means “young appraisal campaign”

It’s a movement initiated by TUMI just for the promising youths and that is YOU!

its sole mission is creating a platform to help goal oriented youths advertise and support their passion in over *ELEVEN COUNTRIES*”


It is divided into two parts:

Firstly, to give a massive campaign advert of as many young ones who are consistent, passionate and promising in what they do aside of their course of study.

Secondly, to appreciate, support and award continuous consistency and improved qualities of any of these youths doing wonderfully well.

*YA campaigner:* these include you, me and everyone that will join this campaign to start celebrating great talents and efforts rather than celebrating mediocrities. This is by advertising them on all your social media platforms and also tells a friend to do so!

*YA campaignee*: they are the young ones to be celebrated and will also be the market in over eleven (11) countries plus that they will be rewarded or consistency and continuous improvement!  

*How to partake*

As a campaigner or as a campaignee, send your social handle details with the word 'campainer' or 'campaignee' as the  case may be (e.g Campainer Michael: WhatsApp 0812110000012; Michael@gmail.com etc) to any of the channel below...

*Connect at us on*


*WhatsApp:* 08162867982, 08188741817,  08098131115,

*Twitter: Tumi29018299

*IG*: tuministry

*Facebook*: TUMI Ministry

Www.tumiministry.blogspot. com

*We rise by lifting others...*

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