What are friends for? Episode 1

What are friends for?

Episode 1

Few minutes after she switched on her data, messages rushed in from different groups and sub-groups, showing at the top most division of her phone- with different tones beeping.

Rita held the phone with her two hands while the thumbs focused on the screen. She pressed the power button and all you can see is a bright light almost blinding your face accompanied by a beautiful lady. She is tall and light in complexion but most importantly bosomy and has a shinning big tush which was visible as a result of her posture in the well designed background. Then at one side of the picture was 'lade photography' written in an unusual format and also another designed 'happy birthday' text right above her head.

She swiped her right thumb up on the screen and input a long password and there came another picture with few icons restricting the eyes from seeing it clearly.

She started to click on the icons and was checking through messages. She got on Instagram and started scrolling from pictures to videos and was always double tapping- accompanying the double tap is a red love icon showing up at the center of the picture- on them before moving further.

She  finally left IG after few minutes and got on WhatsApp; checked through the third column of the app, where pictures, videos or text which hardly stay thirty seconds before it disappears. Then back to her messages, she replied Gabriel who is always bugging her with questions and pleasantries. She then went back to the status section and posted about five of her beautiful pictures she had taken yesterday at a hang out with a guy who has been on her neck for a time together.

She then answered more people and was about checking a message from a group chat with about three hundred messages, then she remembered that she was frying plantain. She stood up from the bed immediately and dropped the phone on the bed in such a way that it bounced up a little before laying flat on the bed.

She rushed into the kichen and was attacked by a choking smoke which made her cough. She quickly turned off the gas cooker and took a fork to turn the plantain- the burnt side appeared as opposed to the previous side which is still very much yellow.

Angry and clueless about what to do, she stood still and was looking at the burnt plantain then her phone starting ringing. She got to it and it was a call from her boyfriend. She was about picking the call, then she decided not to pick it. He called again and she still didn't pick up with reasons best known to her.

Instead, she took her earpiece, plugged it in and was listening to music then she mistakingly clicked on a WhatsApp group as she was about to drop her phone again after realizing she was cooking in the kitchen. It was a group created for the aspirants into a school and she was part- this was her third time seeking admission to same school.

Then she read through, and saw few people jubilating at their new admission.. 'I just checked the list' was what most people were saying and their next message was either 'my name is on the list' or 'thank God i have been given admission' or 'my name is not there yet'

She then became scared. Since the list was sent to the group chat, she downloaded it but was very scared again "O God, please help me this time. Let my name be in this list and i will give glory to your name. I have stayed long enough at home. All my secondary school mates that I am even better than while we are in school have even gained admission. Please God'

She opened the file and was checking through for her department- Computer Science. Just like many others will do, she searched for it twice and couldn't find it until in the third time she decided to calm down to search again. She look towards the ceiling 'God please help me and let my name be in this list and i promise to serve you for the rest of my life if you can do this for me'

She finally search through. At first, she quickly skimmed through the names in three seconds and went back to check. She then saw Rita somewhere at the middle then her heart skipped beats, only for her to see it was another person. She checked downward and suddenly....

Watch out for the next episode

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