What're friends for? Episode 7

What're friends for?

Episode 7

She spent few more days before she left for school. Complete plans of how to get justice for herself by ensuring Nath and Pam got punished. For Rita, this mission isn't impossible and not even spider man can save them both from this plan.

Nath fought the case until the organizers of the event were fished out. Although it was a long chain of referrals before they could get the three 400level social media influencers who had organized the event in disguise- they didn’t just make more money from the event but also gained more audience as a result of their uploads of activities that happened that day but now they are facing the long hands of the students' law, let’s see if money can rescue them this time.

One afternoon, when the sun was given full access and without pity, she vents her anger on earth and it's neighbours and transformed the atmosphere into a kiln. Normal legs that are supposed to work the few kilometres home ended up taking a bike while those that didn’t have that as an option still walked but were moving from shed to shed without minding the distance. The ladies were having cracks on their foundation due to sweat which wears the cement and other elements away.

Few of these people had to branch secluded buildings which accommodates more of pure silence and is conducive enough to cool the body. It also has so many seats that can accommodate lots of people but restricted them from talking to one another as it only provided a section like the Nigerian ballot box that restricts you from seeing the people around you despite being on the same table.

 As wide as this weird building is, its center is filled with books arranged in shelves and numbered sections also you'll find people- most especially those on spectacles roped with supports hanging on the ears searching through, either standing, bending, squatting or stretching their hands to get a book or two and then leave  for their seats where they flip the pages of the book- while some people will do this for a long period of time, others will be found sleeping with their heads bowed on the table.

Pam also visited this day and got a book, ready to read. As he flipped through pages, nodding his heads at some texts before penning them down on a different exercise book he brought, he got a big distraction that became his new book throughout his stay in the library.

Pam nodded his head with his eyes facing the ceiling like he was talking to" someone there; the bottom of his lips became the stick sweet that he was consistently licking. Then a pen rolled towards his leg and he discovered that it was for the person opposite him.

 He picked it up and just after he did, his eyes struck a red colour in a dark environment and just like the red beam light, he had to pause to see more. What he saw was a sensitive part that got him looking even more when he didn’t want to. The thighs that were fitted in the red designed undie created a reaction in his body.

It was obvious that something kept Pam under the table and in order not to make it anymore obvious, he decided to let go and just as he tried to, a better view of what was happening came up and he looked again but didn’t stay long before he got out of the view.

He then tried to give the owner of the pen her pen but it dropped again and this time, it got him closer to the red view he left. One thing that got him thinking was that this time, the pen was closer to the owner but she still asked him to help her with it which he couldn’t resist.

Trying to pick up the pen this time, an unusual heat surged through him accompanied by an odour which was obviously from the enticing red cave, since he was closer to it this time. Different thoughts ran through his mind and just as he tried to let go, he saw a hand moving towards this cave touching this red component trying to change the position then it got to Pam what the message was all along.

He gave her the pen and behaved as if nothing happened while he continued reading-though the picture of the short message was the occupying object of his thoughts. He decided to say a short prayer and just as he was about to raise his head after the prayer, he heard a lady's voice: “Hello! Please i have this mathematics assignment that i’ve been trying to do and haven't gotten it, besides, mathematics hasn't been my strongest area since secondary school but now, I have  to know it. Please is there a way you can help me out?” It happened to be this same lady who owns the pen and the red beam light.

   After so much discussion, Pam finally agreed to go to her house come weekend to help with her assignment and also put her through some things.

Immediately, the lady left and got on a call after stepping out of the library. “Rita! The Plan is working out cause he just accepted to come to my house because i told him to come teach me memathematics. So my plan is to seduce him until he is aroused. In fact, i don’t mind wearing sexy clothes and if he seems like the stubborn type, i’ll make him kiss me and with that, he’ll get in the mood, then i’ll ask him to remove his clothes so we can have a nice time out of  mathematics and when he’s removing his clothes, i’ll go to the toilet to get my phone and snap him naked. Your job then would have been taken care of, and you just have to pay me my balance.”

Rita was happy with the plans and begged her to make sure it became real.

Now into the plan!!!!
Watch out!!!

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