The voice of blood

The voice of blood

Episode 1

It was about to rain, so the DJ disconnected the sound in haste to rescue his gadgets from being drenched.
Few minutes after, heads reduced until we had just two left; one on a tinted dreadlock while the other got about a thousand weaving running through to her waist before it finally stopped.

Carolina wanted to wrap up her birthday celebration with her lover boy especially when she had the chance to spend the night with him because her parents were out of the country as at that time. So her best chance to fulfill her wish, both of them were left to conclude the conclusion.

They wanted to have a taste of what the indian actors feel like, so they both stood boldly under the thunderous rain. The flashlight of the atmosphere took their selfie immediately. Lover boy collide his forehead, nose and eyelashes with that of Carolina while his hands were going to and fro around her waist. She was just pulling the strands of his hair when the photoshoot by the atmosphere was going on.

Not too long after, a very loud belch accompany a vomit of torrential rain all from the sky. The feeling inside an heavy rain after a beautiful birthday celebration was a perfect end but that was not the end though.
Lover boy took his girlfriend to hide in the garage. He went further to position himself like a proposer and brought out a new blade and got talking

"My beautiful Carolina, let's take our relationship to the next level. I really love you so much and I want to continue to do so but then you know it's not easy to predict the length of a relationship in this our generation especially when seeing another person to say yes to is not really too hard to get. But if you ask my heart, i think i want to be with you for the rest of my life. You are so different from others because ever since i met you, i have been moving closer to accomplishing my dream. You took my white dream and gave it nice colours of a rainbow. I really want to be with you till my last breath and so i want to make a commitment today.

Don't just see this that we want to do tonight as just an oath or proposal but more of a commitment. I want to commit myself to you and i really want to bear the consequences if i try to leave you. So i beg you to let us make this commitment to strengthen our love. What will you say Carolina? "

Watch out for episode 2 coming out soon.

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