The voice of blood; Episode 4

The voice of blood

Episode 4

She decided to visit a clinic to do the check up alone.

"Hello! Mom, i told you i can't be pregnant and i just confirmed that I am not. If you still doubt me, we will both go to our family doctor to confirm. I love you mom. I just had to tell you this, i need to hang up now. Bye mom" Caro was so happy to say this.

Immediately she dropped the call, another call came in and this was from a strange number. It wasn't even a local call and she wondered if it might be those dubious people. "Who's calling me with this strange number. And that person won't stop calling. Some people can be annoying to continue ringing the  same phone for more than two times. When the person isn't picking, you should stop calling, it shows the person is busy or not interested in speaking with you. I wonder how some people think" all this was going through her mind while she looked away from the call. But then, this number won't stop calling. Unlike her who never picks up strange calls, she suddenly felt the need to pick up this and then the call came in again. She picked up but remained mute.

"Hello! Thank God you picked up. This is Ademi and right now, I am in a big mess. Since the day I left your house, I can't tell what has been happening to me. At first, I thought it was a nightmare but now I know the reality of it. I am presently surrounded by big trees and leaves all singing and waving to the tune of the cool breeze here. The most of it is that there is this fine building some ladies brought me to. It's situated right in the middle of this place and the house is so nice and if we must look at it critically, it would be competing with your own house for aesthetics. See I don't know what to do" Ademi said all of this in a twinkle of an eye and he was just looking here and there with a phone whose screen-guard has been broken and you can now see it's real face.

"Ha! How come? How did it happen? Who are these ladies? What did they want from you? Please talk to me Ademi"

"As soon as i left your place for work, I was dozing while working and I guessed t'was because we had a long night. My boss noticed this and said he was going to punish me. So he sent me to go help him drop some cash into his account. It was really a huge sum.

So i left and got into a taxi occupied by a male driver and three other ladies wearing colored hairdo. I got into the car and in few minutes, I dozed off again. Only for me to wake up, and saw myself here. They've taken the money and I wonder why I am still with them.
Then I saw a slim lady, as slim as the half of me and having almost all-flat elevation. She walked towards me, holding on to a cigarette. She inhaled a little and poured it out onto my face.

"We wanted the money alone but you got yourself into this trouble when I noticed that you could actually recognize me with your boss. Your boss had fun with me but cheated on me and I told him I will bounce back on him. Don't let me bother you too much with stories you aren't concerned about but then, I am sorry to tell you that you won't be able to leave for our security sake." That was what I heard from her and I knew that I was doomed.

 She also said that (he keeps quiet for some seconds), no she said nothing.

"She said what? You better tell me everything so that I'd know how to make my moves. Besides, how did you get this phone? In case you don't know, you are not in Nigeria anymore because you called with a foreign number" Caro said curiously and was also unsettled.

"She concluded that I shouldn't be bothered that they'll take care of me and they'll all (he paused a little and was stammering), they will all be satisfying me with sex.

They took my phones and smashed them all. They gave them back to me with the mind that they have destroyed them. Now that they are not around, and I am locked in here with some securities outside the building, I looked around and got this sim card, I recharged it from my account and I called you. Caro please help me"

All she said was Ok. You could tell the mixed feelings in her voice especially when she heard he will be having affair with those ladies. "Ademi, just be calm. I will see what I can do about it but then, if you like, have sex with them, you know what we are into. Do you remember?" She said this with all seriousness and jealousy.

Ademi begged her to help him and promised to refuse sex with them.

Carolina was unstable as she thought on how to convince her father to help her on this issue, knowing the fact that he'd question her and may not help after hearing the relationship between them. She made up her mind to try and persuade him still.

She got home not long after and as God will have it, she met her father at home. They got talking.

He noticed her Dad wasn't talking in a good mood. Unlike before, that he treated her as he will do to his one year old daughter. This wasn't like that at all.

"Dad! What's wrong? You aren't happy. I can see that in your eyes and the way you are reacting to me. Dad please tell me. What about mom? Where is she?" She asked all these questions to show her concern, though making it a foundation to tender her request. She was eager to help him with whatever he needs. "Dad why are you silent? Stop getting me scared Dad."

He started talking and reminded her that he said he was going to discuss something with her as soon as she got back. He sat upright while his elbow was resting on his lap and his palm spreading across his chin and cheek. His eyes was looking remorseful. Everything was looking like a husband who's about to confess to his wife about his extra marital affairs.

Caro in her mind was bothered about what the discussion could be that would make her Dad so sad as this and make him this mute. She was scared and different reasons were running in and out of her head. "Wait, could it be that he adopted me? Did mom divorce him? Is it his normal request that i bring home my fiance? Is he trying to hook me up with someone? Did anyone die?" She couldn't stop thinking.

Watch out for episode 5!!!

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