The voice of blood; episode 5

The voice of Blood

Episode 5


"No! Dad! I can't just leave. What about all i have built over the years? What about my friends? What about my school? What about you and mom? I can't just leave like this. Dad please. Why do you want me to leave? I know i did disturb you to take me with you to South Africa before, but now, i don't think i want to go again Dad. I have just been able to build solid reasons for me to stay. Please Dad. Is there anything i did wrong or did mom tell you anything? " Carolina went on her knees  begging her Dad.

Her Dad brought out a letter and show it to her without uttering a word still. She was scared to read it but then what choice did she have?

 Here goes the letter:


3, UBA road,   
Off Cape cod estate
Lagos state.
17th December, 2018.

Head office,
Good tidings LTD,
Lagos state.


We are sorry to let you know that all your properties have been withheld, due to your inability to pay up your loans after so many years of warning.

As a result of the procedure of liquidation and according to company law, you are given three weeks at most to tender all the necessary documents of your company to the statutory authority. Failure to do so will result to compulsory chasing out by the mobile police.

Yours Faithfully
Lagos high court

Carolina suddenly lost stamina. The letter was so heavy that it fell off her hands and she followed it. "Dad how come? I don't seem to understand?"

It's a long story dear but it will be a story for another time. He almost shed a tear but quickly excused himself and went straight to the toilet.

She stood up sluggishly and landed on a nearby chair, rumbling and regretting. "Where will i start from? Why now? I had just gotten admission not long ago to further my education in an expensive school; mom is in a state of compulsory surgery something they kept from me all these while. Why will Dad just tell me this too? Mom too couldn't tell me; i had just got myself involved in a bondage with a man i am leaving soon and not just that he is in a big mess that can destroy things between us. God why? Why me?" She wept bitterly.

"Liquidation is the least of my problem dear. Some years ago, i was duped of a sum of two hundred million naira by some set of people who lied to be business tycoons and in other for me to fill up the space of my looted capital, i got loan from a bank and after so much effort to level up, market value dropped and landed me into this big mess.
Caro, i hate this country and i don't want to invest in it again. What is the essence of staying in a country and still have to fly a citizen out of the country for surgery?

You are not going alone. We will just focus on our companies in Belgium and at the same time look after your mom before and after her surgery.
Don't worry, i will transfer your studies there so that you can continue over there. Let's just leave this country for better dear" Mr Anderson told his daughter while he adjusted his belt.

Carolina left into her room without saying a word. She was restricting herself from thinking anything. She blocked her ears with her palm. She was shaking her head constantly and was ready to scream but she burst into tears instead.

Days passed by but Carolina refused to talk to anyone at home and will not eat too. She locks herself up in her room and constantly refuses to open the door for anyone including her mom. There was this afternoon that she came out with a knife in her hands. She met her parents in the sitting room and threatened to kill herself but she never did. She dropped the knife on the floor and went back to her room.

Her father came knocking but she turned deaf ears. He couldn't stop knocking and was pleading she open the door until she did so.

"Dad, i will agree to go with you and mom but then i have this request. If you can do it for me, i will follow you whole heartedly."

She explained the mess Ademi is in to him and begged him to help him. "Dad! Please do this one thing and i will be very glad to go with you to Belgium. I am not threatening you but Ademi is very close to me like tattoo and i am the only person he could seek help from. Dad! Of a truth, i love him so much and he does too and he is my boyfriend. Even if you don't want me with him, just please do this for me. After all, we will be departing when we move to Belgium. Dad! Please help your only child" she held his feet like an Indian will do to receive blessing from an adult.

"Why won't i help you? This is the first time i will see you talk with passion and this convince me that you are really in love with him. I will not just rescue him, i will try my best to give him a good life. If it's possible, he will go with us to Belgium. But on one condition, if my mind convince me to do so and that is based on his ways."

She jumped on her Dad and they both fell on her bed. "Thank you so much Dad. I love you so much. You are the best Dad in the world and i am fortunate to have you as my father. I love Ademi so much and thanks for trusting me on this. He is a good boy and you will see that as soon as you meet him.

He promised her again to help her and not just that but to also sponsor him on anything if he meet his conditions and also added this:

"Lest i forget Caro. Let's get the point straight now, if it turned out to be that the guy is lying and framing things up, i will ensure i lock him up and make him suffer for his action. I will not just rescue him but will also investigate the case until i have the fact. Even if it takes long to get the correct fact about the situation, i will still punish him. In fact, i won't approve any relationship of you with him until i have the right fact at hand."

My Dad can be correct. Probably he is cooking up stories for me. I still wonder how he got a phone and a sim card and we even talked for long. How can his kidnappers take such risk. Why will he do that? Cook up story for me? I trust him. I trust my Ademi." She thought about this as she walked straight to the kitchen to grab some food. She had been starving herself for days now.

Now to the journey to rescue Ademi....

Watch out for episode 6

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