The voice of blood; episode 3

The voice of blood

Episode 3

This won't be the first time that I'll be the first to break a hymen, so you can trust me to knock gently and i will also gently open the gate by the power vested in me.

He truely opened the gate which was flooded with red-liquid-like roses which stained the white tiles in the compound. Just about the second blood ritual on that same day.

"Ademi, i hope we are really doing the right thing because how can we tell what the future holds" Carolina said to complete her good night message while they sleep for the remaining little time of the night.

Weeks passed and things went back to normal. Her parents were back from their "honeymoon again" bringing back stories of how they really enjoyed their trip but then she bounced back on them when she told them about how her birthday party went.

But there is this part of their stories, the person gisting will suddenly stop at a point and you will just see clouds of moist saturated on her face. It really shows there is this painful part of their story.

Carolina was about to gist her mom about her boyfriend but she suddenly stopped when she remembered what had happened. "How do i tell mom that i had an oath with Ademi? If i tell her, what else will she do if not to first land me a slap on my face before she asks me the next question?" She said in her mind.

Also, her mom suddenly stopped halfway while gisting when she remembered a call that came in from their family doctor of her X-ray result signifying that she needs to be operated to remove the abnormal growth in her head before it spreads and that this can only be done in about just two countries (Belgium and London). "How do i tell her i have brain tumor? I know my child, she will want to take it personally and i really don't want her to" she thought in her mind and concluded to tell her the day she will be flying out to get the operation done.

But then, as at that moment, one way or the other, they held still their emotions and diverted the discussion to something else. For ladies, they really do have the mindset that they must be 'strong' and kind of secretive. Sometimes, i wonder if this really is true?

Just about when she was to conclude her discussion with her mom, Caro, rushed down to the bathroom. She almost slipped in the bathroom but held on to the wall and immediately threw her head forward and her mouth wide open. Just like when a water tap with high pressure has just been opened, she threw out some insoluble particles. After three to four times ejection, she squatted and was looking at what came out of her. Her left hand was playing with her forehead and the other was touching the tiled floor.

"This girl will not kill me o. Ha! Caro is pregnant ooo. This is the third time in about two hours this girl will vomit. Her father must not hear this oo. I must take her to the clinic tomorrow to do test oo. God please don't let this girl disgrace me." Her mom ran towards the bathroom carrying  her thick body along.

By the time she got into the bathroom to check her only child, Carolina had left for her room. She screams her name as she walks towards her room.

"Mom! Mom! I don't know what is happening to me but i have just been vomiting. I have also been feeling somehow since  two days ago and besides, i have been expecting my monthly flow for about two days now. Mom i am scared" she explained while rolling to and fro on her bed.

"You've killed me oo this girl. You are pregnant Caro. Who did you sleep with? Who is that boy that wants to spoil my reputation? I thought i trusted you, but why did you surprise me with this? Why can't you use protection? Who is that stupid boy? Telll me now before i land you a slap?"

She stopped rolling, and focus her eyes away from her mom. Her heartbeat was sounding like a bass drum. Everything was at a stand still at that moment. "Mom stop! I can't be pregnant. Maybe i am just sick. Don't you trust your daughter again?" She said this but could not still look at her mother.

God so good, the conversation stopped when her father came knocking. Immediately, her mother gave a solid laughter to her daughter. She also returned it.

"I am tired of both of you. Must you gist all day? Caro! Get up and start going, the driver is waiting for you" she drew her up and walked her out of the room. "Lest i forget, please remind me when you are back in two days time that i want to tell you one important thing" he held her hand

'Ok Dad. Mom i will be back in two days but i will check that thing as soon as i get there. Mom don't worry, just trust me. I love you mom, i love you Dad" she got into the car. You could tell that a part of her was relieved,as she threw her fist forward almost saying 'thank God' but then the thought of how true this could be overwhelmed her.

The car drove away and the parents walked back to the house.

She took her phone and was about calling Ademi. "No! I cannot call him, my Dad's driver is here. She tapped the WhatsApp icon and chatted him up instead. OMG, this guy hasn't been online for few days. What will i do now?"

Watch out for the next episode!!!

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