The Voice of blood; episode 2

The Voice of Blood

Episode 2

"No i can't! I can't do this. Ademi, it's not that i don't love you, i really do and i think I want to spend my life with you but then, why do we have to go through this risky process to make commitment. Just this year alone, i had ridden on seven different roads and you will be my eight. So tell me, why should i do this based on this statistic of my life?" She turned around, facing her overwhelming buttocks at her boo's eye. She finally drops the mic and was shaking her legs consistently when she said that "Besides, it's been long i heard of lovers making oath to sustain their love. Don't you think it's too risky Ademi? Just tell me why i have to do this with you."

Carolina please let's do this. You have the best reason to. You just said it that you have been through different relationships in just few months and that's the main reason you should secure the one you have now. You said you loved me and wanted me as your life partner just like i wanted you too and this should be a relevant reason for us to secure this relationship.
What is security Caro? Security is when you are a volatile sex addict but anytime you pull off your lab coat ready for the practical, the other sample inform you that she is HIV positive and immediately, your melodious guitar distunes. That is security and it's what I want for us. I just don't want to cheat on you; I love you Caro.

For about five minutes, the only sound was just the beats from the roof. No one was talking and everything looks like a deciding penalty kick.

She scratched her left eye and ran same hand through her face and as if she wanted to dance shaku shaku, she gently stretched her left hand towards him and immediately cover her wrist with her right hand. "Ademi, i am scared" she said after so much fruitless effort to have her share of blood.

As a lover boy persuading an emotional girl, he managed to get hers and the rituals began. He mixed the blood together and said loudly "I am taking this bold step today and i make this promise that i will never cheat on you nor will i leave you for the rest of my life. That if i do, i should experience a downfall that i can never imagine including the downfall of my sexual organs."
Carolina said the same thing with tears dripping. Could it be tears of Joy or tears of uncertainty? That's left to her. They both licked the blood to complete the process.

Everything was just looking like a marriage process. First, it was a proposal position but instead of a ring, it was a blade. Thereafter instead of a pastor-spouses call and response with a bible, it was an oath of blood. Then...

He kissed her and their lips kept alternating against each other until stage one was completed. Immediately to begin the next stage, he carried her down to her room and dropped her right on her bed. He took off his shirt an wanted to ...

"Ademi no! Not tonight. I already told you i can't let you in until you marry me. All i can give you is a sweet romance and that should do for now Ademi"
She explained

Lover boy held her hand tightly and again said:
Why? Do you still doubt me? After we made such a great commitment? Please don't do this to me. What is romance? Of which importance is me tasting a food i will never eat?

"Not like i don't want but i am scared. All of my broken relationship was because all of them demanded this and i wanted to be intact till marriage, so i rejected them but i wonder how you always break my long built fence. I just hope we are doing the right thing. Ademi, are you sure we are doing the right thing?" Caro added.

What else will be right in this generation? Tell me Caro. I used to be a guy who also believes in sexual purity till marriage until a lady seduced me to have sex with her while i was in my first year in university. I thought i wouldn't do it again but that was so impossible for me. The attraction around me, the thirst to get more within me, the pressure from friends and celebrities are just enough to break my defenses. Don't you think so Ademi

So if i must continue because i am defenseless, tell me why i shouldn't be committed to just one person which is the person i love. If it's only you, i think i am sexually pure then or what do you think? Please don't let me go back to my vomit. What do you have to say about this, my beautiful Caro?

Watch out for Episode 3

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