look at the atmosphere6

Look at the atmosphere! Part 6

 Just a little bit more emphasis on what we talked about earlier on "common love!" Will be discussed here. You can ask us for it if you wish.
 Hmmm... Another agent of training is the element of supplus love poured out.
"Please! Let me see love whenever i look at the atmosphere" is what all children, employee, student etc are shouting silently in their mind to you but you wouldn't listen. After all, people tend to stay where they are loved not where they are tolerated.
 I didn't say pamper them or overlook what you ought to scold them for. But let them know what you are not happy about and the reasons in love. Of course God loved Jesus Christ yet He gave us Him to SUFFER and DIE the worst death on the cross. But Jesus Christ did all the work with much understanding of the father so He was able to do His(God's) will till the end. This kind of love with understanding is the best we ought to build in our children, workers, employee etc. That kind Issac had for his father even till the point of rendering him as a sacrifice is best for the young ones and our followers of any kind.
 Parents, guardian, teacher, mentor, give them the love no one else can give them. Give them your full support and everything they need but let them have the sense of responsibility. Or have you ever seen God give a lazy man His riches? Be a teacher and leader that is insignificant. Let everything be very good when you are not around just like Paul the apostle. He was confident in prison about his people. YOU BETTER PUT THE TEN MEN TO WORK NOW. I am working towards that already. What about you?
 Lastly, Couples should give the very best impression of love to their children by their attitude as couple. Let them be able to say it that my parent loved themselves. Let them learn love naturally from your relationship as couple. Not the one that will make them despirate to quickly get a lover but the one that will serve as that great picture of the future. Colossians3:14 says "...And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It's your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it."
The END.
Thanks and God bless you. Amen.
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